Questionable Substance

Questionable Substance

What is Questionable Substance

Questionable Substance is a plugin that adds hallucinations to the game! Simply get a Red Mushroom, eat up, and watch the magic unfold!

What are these hallucinations like?

Hallucinations aren't just potion effects! Unlike some other plugins, Hallucinations are far more than potion effects, these hallucinations can appear to be completely world changing!!!

Currently there are five hallucinations available, these are:

  1. Turns the world around you to wool, trees made of wool will sprout out of the ground, you'll turn your world into a wool wonderland!
  2. Everything becomes fire! It all will burn around you! There's no escape!
  3. Skews your vision, and makes you feel very lightheaded.
  4. Meteor shower! It's the apocalypse! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
  5. Spooky hallucination, made just for halloween!

But won't that destroy my world!?


That's the best part! Everything that happens in a hallucination is completely client side! You're actual world will be completely unaffected! In fact, two people can be hallucinating two different things, at the same time, and the real world will never change!

GAH! This hallucination scared me! How do I stop it!

If anything gets REALLY bad, and you feel you have to stop, (hopefully minecraft can't actually scare you that much though...) simply drink a bottle of water. It should help calm you down, and it will all fade away.

Questionable Substance is in beta

Though this is being released for you all as of right now, there still may be a few bugs. None of them will be detrimental to your experience as a used, just know they may exist! If an error is logged to the console, it would be super helpful if you would PM me with the entire error message, and what was happening at the time it was shown! If you can do that, I'll try and get it fixed as soon as possible :)

What's to come?

  • More hallucinations!
  • Hallucinated mobs
  • A configuration system
  • Bug fixes (of course...)
  • What ever you all request!


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 14, 2012
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