

Allows players to go on "quests" with configurable awards given when within a certain distance of a randomly chosen target location.



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/questfor (quest name)

This is a multi-purpose command. If you have not started level 0 of a quest, it will start the level. If already pending a level of a quest, it tells the distance and direction to the award point. It also sets the compass target to that location. If within the configurable threshhold near the award point, the quest is completed, and the award given. After a level is completed, this command will start the next level.

By default, two quests are configured: emerald and cobblestone.

/questfor list

Lists available quests.

/questfor levels

Shows your quest levels and whether or not the level is pending.


It should be fairly obvious how to configure new quests from config.yml (in the data folder for this plugin), but here's a general reference:

threshhold - contains a value for how far from an award point a player can be to get an award. default is 5.0

quests.(questname).award - an item stack representation. the two sample quests show how to make it for a item stack of 1 (emerald) or multiple (cobblestone).

quests.(questname).initial_xp_cost - this is the cost to begin the quest level 0. if this value is 10, then it costs 10 xp to start a quest at level 0

quests.(questname).incremental_xp_cost - this is the cost for each level after 0. if this value is 10 and the initial cost is 10, then level 1 costs 20, level 2 cost 30, and so on.

quests.(questname).initial_distance - the is the initial distance at quest level 0. if this value is 100, then the first award will be 100 meters away.

quests.(questname).incremental_distance - the is the extra distance per level. if this value is 100 and the initial distance is 100, then level 1 will be 200, level 2 300 and so on.

quests.(questname).permission - this is a permission needed to go on this quest. you can use this value to limit who can go on what quest.


Permission to use the /questfor (quest name). This is also the general permission for configured quests.


Permission to use /questfor list


Permission to use /questfor levels


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