
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Hello All! This is my first server plugin:


Query is a plugin that lets areas in a server have a description (a story of the area, who built whatever is there, etc.). These descriptions can then be accessed with a single right-click from an item specified in the config file.

Getting Started:

For Server Admins:

Just like any other plugin for Bukkit, download the Query2.1.jar from below and plop it in your server's plugins folder. Next, run or reload the server so Query can generate the config.yml.


Open up the config file now in your default text editor. "positionID" is the data value of the item you want to use to set positions (default is 371, a gold nugget). "queryID" is the data value of the item you want to use to query an area (default is 370, a ghast tear). "maxLines" is the maximum amount of lines you want a query's description to be able to have. The default is eight. "debugOn" toggles whether debug mode is on or off. Pretty much none of it makes sense, so it is a good idea to leave it false!


Query has permissions features so you can control who can do what with Query. Using your favorite permissions plugin, set the permissions in "Commands and Permissions" below to true or false for each user or group. Alternatively, you can use query.* to give a user or group all query permissions.

Once you have the jar file in the plugins folder, permissions are set, and everything configured to your liking, you can start using Query!

For Users:

After your server admin has so kindly set up Query for you, you can start setting and accessing queries.

To set your first query, select two positions using the /qpos1 and /qpos2 commands, or use the item used for selecting positions. If you want, you may also use /qarea to modify the selection's area <more details below>. After you have selected the area you want, use /setquery to set the area as a new query! Finally, set the description of the new query using /querydesc.

You can add enter and exit messages as of version 2.1! To do this, use /qmsg (usage below).

Now everyone can query the area with the /query command and get the information you set! After using /query when you first make the new area, you can access the info with a single click of the query item too!

If you are unsatisfied with a query, simply delete it with /delquery.

To get a list of all the queries in ALL worlds of the server, use /qlist.

If you need help with any commands in Query, use /qhelp.

Commands and Permissions:

/query -> Queries the area you are standing in. It will print out the description of all queries if you are in one, or tell you that you are not in a query area. You can also right-click with a Ghast Tear (by default in the config) to query an area. However, using the ghast tear doesn't always query the area after a server reload or on a new query. Use the command in this situation. Permission: query.query

/qpos1 -> Sets position 1 of your selection where you are standing. You can also left-click with a Gold Nugget (by default in the config) to do this. Caution: I am still working out how to make this action not destroy the block you clicked if you are in creative mode. Permission: query.pos

/qpos2 -> Sets position 2 of your selection area where you are standing. You can also right-click with a Gold Nugget (by default in the config) to do this. Permission: query.pos

/setquery <query name> -> Makes a new query area in your selection area. The name of this new query is whatever is the second parameter. It must be one word (You still can do "BigTower" or "Big_Tower" for example). Permission: query.setquery

/delquery <query name> -> Deletes the specified query. Caution: This can not be undone! Permission: query.delquery

/querydesc <query name> <line number> <description> -> Sets the description of a query after it has been created. <query name> is the name of the query you want to set the description of. <line number> is the line you want to set a description for. The default maximum number of lines a query can have is eight. This can be changed in the config. <description> is the description you want to set. Can have spaces and such! Permission: query.querydesc

/qarea <expand or contract> <direction> <amount> -> Modifies the size of your selection area. <expand or contract> is self-explanatory. <direction> is the direction you want to expand. Direction accepts north, south, east, west, up, or down. <amount> is how many blocks in that direction you want to expand. Permission: query.qarea

/qlist -> Lists all queries from ALL worlds. Permission: query.qlist

/qhelp -> Displays a help message for Query. Permission: query.qhelp

/qmsg <set or remove> <enter or exit> <query name> [message] -> Sets or removes enter or exit messages for a query. To set a message, use /qmsg set <enter or exit> <the name of the query you want to set messages for> [the message you want]. You can also remove a message with /qmsg remove <enter or exit> <the name of the query you want to remove the message from>. The remove feature is a bit buggy right now though. This will be fixed soon. You can also type "-s" in place of "set", "-rm" instead of "remove", "-en" versus "enter", or "-ex" instead of "exit". Permission: query.qmsg


Jar File: https:github.com/downloads/thebiologist13/Query/Query2.1.jar

Github Repo: https:github.com/thebiologist13/Query


v2.1: Added enter and exit messages for queries

v2.0: Initial Release

To Do:

  • Fix bugs
  • Fix /qmsg remove
  • Add more permissions
  • Better config file
  • Some more features!


Please tell me if you find any bugs. I will try to keep Query as bug free as possible. Also notify me with any suggestions of things to add to Query.



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