
All commands are case-insensitive and are available either in game or via the console.


Change the material used to set a villager's profession.

alias: /sprof

The command syntax is:

setprof [farmer | fisherman | shepard | librarian | cartographer | cleric | armorer | weapon_smith | tool_smith | butcher | leatherworker | nitwit | zombie] [Material]

[Material] must be a valid material ENUM i.e. anything from here:

for example:

/setprof farmer dirt


Enable or disable Profession in the specified world.

alias: /wprof

The command syntax is:

/worldprof [World] [true|false]

for example:

/worldprof hope_springs_eternal true


Enable or disable material consumption.

alias: /cprof

The command syntax is:

/consumeprof [true|false]

for example:

/consumeprof false