

I am working on re-making this page due to the breakdown of Safe-HTML. I apologize for the delays.

Group Commands

/priv group set/ [player] [group]Set the specified player to the specified group.
/priv group create/ [group] [rank]Create a group with the specified name and rank.
/priv group remove/ [group]Remove the specified group, and all instances of it. (Sets users with this group to the 'default' group)
/priv group rename/ [group] [new name]Renames the specified group, and all occurences of it (sets users with the old group to the new group).
/priv group perm set/ [group] [node] [val]Sets the node to the specified value for the given group. Value must be boolean (true or false).
/priv group perm remove/ [group] [node]Removes the node (true or false) from the specified group's node list.

User Commands

/priv user perm set/pupsprivileges.user.perm.set/pups [player] [node] [val]Sets the specified node to true or false for the given user.
/priv user perm remove/puprprivileges.user.perm.remove/pupr [player] [node]Removes the specified node from the given user.
/priv user reset/purprivileges.user.reset/pur [player]Resets the given user to the default group and removes any custom permission nodes.

Administrative Commands

/promote/proprivileges.promote/promote [player]Promotes the specified user to the next rank group. If the command sender's rank is equal to or less than the destination group's rank, the command will fail.
/demote/demprivileges.demote/demote [player]Demotes the specified user. If the command sender's rank is equal to or less than the current rank of the intended player, the command will fail.
/priv info/pi, /, [player]Without a specified player, prints out some information about yourself. If player is given, prints out information about them.
/priv list/plistprivileges.list, privileges.list.other/plist [player] [page]When used on the console, prints out a complete list of every permission node attached to the player (and its status of true/false). When used in-game, prints out a paged list of those same nodes.
/priv check/pcprivileges.check, privileges.check.other/pc [player] [node]Prints out the status and description of the specified node. If a player is not specified, it checks that node for yourself.

Miscellaneous Commands

/priv reload/preloadprivileges.reload/priv reloadSaves the loaded configuration to disk and then reloads the plugin. Warning! Will overwrite changes made to the file externally!
/priv save/ saveSaves the loaded configuration to disk. Warning! Will overwrite changes made to the files externally!
/priv load/ploadprivileges.load/priv loadLoads the configuration files from the disk, and discards any unsaved changes made in-game.
/priv backup/pbackupprivileges.backup/priv backup [name]Creates a snapshot of your currently saved config files and saves them to privbackups/[name]/
/priv restore/prestoreprivileges.restore/priv restore [name]Restores the specified configuration snapshot from privbackups/[name]/
/priv debug/pdebugprivileges.debug/priv debug [val]Sets debug mode on or off. When enabled, prints detailed messages about nodes and functions in the console while it runs.
/priv version/pversionprivileges.version/priv versionPrints out version information about Privileges.

*to be continued...*


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