


Poke some mobs with some balls! That's right ladies and gentlemen. With this plugin you can catch mobs with eggs and get spawn eggs! But that's not all, if you right click in the air, you can throw the spawn egg! All mobs can now be catched! Except bosses.

How it works
  1. Lower the mobs health to half.
  2. Throw egg.
  3. After 3 seconds it will either break free, or become a spawn egg!
  • With egg there is 30% chance of success.


The config contains the mobs you can catch, and their ID code. Don't remove or temper with the mob stuff


- Pokeballs.use - Allows players to catch mobs

- Pokeballs.bypass - Overrise the chance code, and is 100% capture rate for the player.

Future plans

  • Developing a mob-vs-mob plugin, so it's possible for matches(like pokemon! :D)


1.3 - Added a permission for 100% capture chance.

1.2 - Removed wither and dragon capture possibilities. Removed enderpearl and snowball use, may add later. Fixed wither skeleton and normal skeleton capturing. Fixed skeleton and pigzombie equipment.

1.1 - Added wither and dragon capture possibilities. Also added config value to disable boss catching. Added option to disable enderpearl teleportation. Fixed a bunch of bugs. Added snowballs and enderpearl to catch mobs with.

1.0 - initial release

Video tutorial

Want to know how to use properly? Want to see how it works? Check it out!: Youtube video - OLD

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Help me out by throwing some coins in my direction!



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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 2, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Aug 30, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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