
config_version: 1.0

# few | normal | more | much | extreme | all
console-logging: all
console-nameprefix: ยง6

# time in minutes
vote_time: 5
# broadcast a report, so others will see it?
broadcast_report: true
# percentage of online players needed to vote for guilty. (50.0 ~ 50%)
vote_percentage: 66.6
# How many simultanious reports are allowed?
max_reports: 3

# most messages can contain
# [%p] - player who initiated the report
# [%t] - player who got reported
# [%r] - reporting reason
# [%d] - time/ date of report
# ([%c] - a number like time or count)

      command: '/mute [%t] 2m'
      playermessage: 'You got muted for 2 Minutes.'
      broadcastmessage: '[%t] should now be quiet.'
      command: '/mute [%t] 5m'
      playermessage: 'You got muted for 5 Minutes.'
      broadcastmessage: '[%t] should now be quiet.'

      command: '/mute [%t] 60m'
      playermessage: 'You got muted for 60 Minutes.'
      broadcastmessage: '[%t] should now be quiet.'
      command: '/tbann [%t] 1d'
      command_delay: 10
      playermessage: 'You got banned for 1 day on the [%d].'
      broadcastmessage: 'Cu l8r [%t].'

      command: '/jail [%t] 10m'
      playermessage: 'You got jailed for 10 Minutes.'
      broadcastmessage: '[%t] will not bother you again for some time.'
      command: '/tbann [%t] 1d'
      command_delay: 10
      playermessage: 'You got banned for 1 day on the [%d]'
      broadcastmessage: 'Cu l8r [%t].'

    - 'Use "/cpr <player> <reason> [comment]" to report a player!'
    - 'Acceptable reasons are: [%r]'
    - 'There can only be one report per player at a time.'
    - 'Also you can use "/vpr <player> [guilty] [comment]" to vote for / comment a report!'
    - 'Do not abuse any of this commands or you will get punished too.'
  broadcastInitiatedReport: '[%p] reported [%t] due to [%r].'
  broadcastToVotePermission: 'Type "/vpr [%t] guilty <optional comment>" in the next [%c] minutes to confirm this.'
  broadcastToCommentPermission: 'Type "/vpr [%t] <comment>" in the next [%c] minutes to comment this.'
  broadcastVerdictGuilty: 'The tribunal adjudge [%t] guilty for [%r]. [%t] will be punished.'
  broadcastVerdictNotGuilty: 'The tribunal adjudge [%t] not-guilty for [%r].'
  commentAdded: 'Your comment was added.'
  commentFailed: 'You are not allowed to comment reports.'
  voteSucceeded: 'You find [%t] guilty for [%r].'
  voteFailAlready: 'You already found [%t] guilty for [%r].'
  voteFailPermission: 'You are not permitted to vote on reports.'
  voteFailDisallow: 'You are not allowed to vote on this report.'
  voteFailNotAvailable: 'There is no report for [%t].'
  createPrepare: 'You are about to create a report for [%t] due to [%r]. Type "/cpr confirm" to confirm this.'
  createFailAlready: 'There is already a report for [%t] going on. Please try again later.'
  createFailConfirm: 'There is nothing to confirm.'
  invalidTarget: 'Player [%t] is not a valid player.'
  invalidReason: '[%r] is not a valid reason!'
  tooManyReports: 'There are already [%c] reports going on. Please try again later.'
  viewFailNotAvailable: 'There is no such ticket.'


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