
[FIX] Fixed the FakeOps config bug. This time it IS fixed.

[FIX] Minor bug fixes

[ ! ] Config.yml update to version 7
[FIX] Fixed a bug breaking almost each and every command if the FakeOps list was missing.
[FIX] Fixed the /acceptrules commands specified in the config.yml not being executed properly.
[FIX] Fixed the /acceptrules command sometimes denying and telling you that you were the console
[FIX] The /report command now tells you that you've reported someone.
[FIX] Fixed the /apologise command not displaying the command help if the arguments were wrong
[FIX] Fixed the first login (in the PlayerLog.yml) always being updated

[+] Added /pman censor commands
[+] Added /fakeop commands
[+] Added configurable commands that are executed when a player is reported a configurable amount of times
[+] Added played time to /pman info and PlayerLog.yml
[+] Added the very first login to /pman info and PlayerLog.yml
[+] Added permission to see hidden players (pman.view)
[+] Added /pman set weather
[+] Added the possibility to use nicknames instead of the actual name when typing in commands
[!] Updated for CB v1.3.1-R1.0
[!] In-game help is now helpful
[!] Checking for updates automatically is now optional.
[!] Changed the License to Apache 2.0
[!] Config.yml update to version 6
[FIX] Fixed a bug that made muted players able to talk.
[FIX] Fixed a bug that made it impossible to execute multiple commands from the config.yml when somebody typed /acceptrules. Why didn't anybody notice this?

- Added /report, /check, /checktp and /apologise
- Added /pman set fire
- Config.yml update to version 5
- Cleaned up the code a bit:
- Fixed two annoying bugs concerning the show/hide command. How could I miss them?
- Fixed some logging messages.
- Partial name recognition fixed.
- Other small fixes

- UpdateChecker notifies you when an update is available
- Optional depency on Vault to display group/money when typing /pman info
- Added chests and redstone to the prevention of actions if the player hasn't accepted the rules yet
- You can't set strange values as the food/health level anymore. (i.e. 230719)
- Players will now be notified when their food/health/EXP level, permission to fly or nickname changes
- Config.yml update to version 4
- BugFixes

- Little config.yml generation bug fixed.
- Added prevention of actions before typing /acceptrules (i.e. breaking blocks)
- Added support for other plugins using the command /rules (i.e. Essentials)
- Added optional teleportation when typing /acceptrules for the first time
- Config version update to version 3

- Added /rules and /acceptrules
- Config.yml keeps old data when updated
- Config update to version 2
- Update for CB 1.2.5-R2.0

v1.3 Stable
- "/pman set" now tells you when your arguments where wrong
- Minor Bugs from v1.3_Beta3 fixed
- Added real name to /pman list
- Added /pman hide and /pman show to hide/show your players
- Added /pman mute to mute spammers
- Made the PlayerLog.yml waaay better
- Fixed the IP Logger not working as it should
- Fixed a problem with the config file

- Severe bugs occuring in Beta2 fixed

- Added /pman set fly, health, food, xp and name
- Added optional logging of used commands to console
- Added many permissions
- Made the support for Rei's Minimap fully configurable

- Configurable join/quit messages
- Added /pman list
- Distance does not show a negative number anymore
- Other small bug fixes

- Added BotBlocker
- Added Health, Food, Xplevel, GameMode, Position and Distance info
- Added configurable order of the informations
- Code cleanup

- Added the IPLogger
- Added custom join messages and Rei's Minimap support

- Initial Release