Change Log

  • v1.7.1.4: - Fixed a bug within the piston super_push ability, when creating the velocity.
  • v1.7.1.3: - Improved functionality. - Fixed a bug which was preventing the entities from being super pushed, one block above.
  • v1.7.1.2: - Improved event functioning. - Gave chest_dispensers the ability to grab a block with the sticky piston and pull them into the chest. - Fixed multiple items being removed when pulled from chest
  • v1.7.1.1: - Fixed blocks and entities from being removed when being pushed into a full chest!
  • v1.7.1: - Add the ability to push records in and out of Jukeboxes
  • v1.7.0.4: - Fixed entity pushing all nearby entities into chest!
  • v1.7.0.3: - Fixed chest_dispenser bug
  • v1.7.0.2: - Fixed Sticky Piston pulling without ability
  • v1.7.0.1: - Fixed a database problem
  • v1.7: - Added Custom Abilities - Added Bukkit 1.4.6 Integration. - Fixed Entity Bug
  • v1.6.5: - Fixed a bug with LWC integration.
  • v1.6.4: - Added Plugin Metrics
  • v1.6.3: - Added the config file to disable certain blocks or entities from being pushed into a chest. - Added Secure Chests Integration! - Increased efficiency within the code.
  • v1.6.2: - Increased database efficiency.
  • v1.6.1: - Fixed a problem where bukkit was automatically created the database, preventing the plugin from creating it. - Fixed a spam of error messages when processing piston info.
  • v1.6: - Added Lockette Integration!!!
  • v1.5.2: - Fixed Block retrieving from chest, which was causing piston to brake - Fixed item detailed types insertion. - Fixed block place details. - Fixed removal of all items.
  • v1.5.1: This version is mainly just to get rid of the fatal error happening during piston retraction of an item. - Fixed dropped item and mob insertion condition. - Fixed fatal crashing when pulling block out of chest.
  • v1.5: Fixed Item duping bug for dropped items. Added LWC support.
  • v1.4.1: Fixed the problem where the monsters were able to be pushed in from around 5 blocks away. Fixed the Sugarcane problem, where it was being inserted as a block. Fixed the water and lava problem where the water and lava was being inserted. Fixed LWC from preventing the piston from retracting.
  • v1.4: Added the ability to push mobs into the chest, turning them into eggs. Added the command '/pcreload' to reload the config file. Added the permission 'pistonchest.creload' which is default op. (controls the ability to reload config file)
  • v1.3: Added mob spawner feature, where when the piston hits the mob spawner it will spawn the mob of that spawner type.
  • v1.2.1: fixed an indirect power supply problem.
  • v1.2: Added the piston ability to furnaces and dispensers.
  • v1.1: Added the ability to retrieve blocks and items from chests via stick piston. Fixed issue with new server updates.
  • v1.0: Released.


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