
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Allows you to permit nearly everything on your server and makes it possible for you to fully customize your server. You may permit damage taken, items used, block broken and built and more. Please tell me what permissions you need so i may add them to this plugin. I hop you like it.

I actually needed this plugin for my own new serverproject, but after getting requests by some friends to make it public. Its actually under developement but the main features are implemented. Its also good to stop those damn Xray users from using Diamondtools and lateron Diamondarmor.

This plugin allows you to give permissions for nearly anything you want to permit or allow. This means, placeing block x needs the perm a blockbreak or placement).x(name of the block). At the moment perms also work for tools and weapons just like pt.use.wood_sword.

If the player dont got the perm the event is cancelled and he gets an error message.

There is no such thing like a configuration file cause you configurate everything with the permissions, so i already created superperms which make it fairly easy to set it up.

== Permissions ==

Superperms so far: pt.* do everything* break and place every block pt.use.wood use wooden tools (also works with diamond, iron, stone) some superperms i created which contain serveral permission (will list them later)

Short Example:

Case 1: I want a normal user to be able to break any block ecxept diamond ore, tnt, lava and diamondblocks, want him to be able to use only wood, stone and iron tools, and also want him to not be affected by explosion damage, projectile damage and drowing damage The Solution: To permit the diamond tnt and lava, i give him (which includes nearly every nondangerous block) and also give him, and because the nondangerous superperm excludes hem now the tools: i give him pt.use.wood pt.use.stone pt.use.iron To "permit" the damage dealt, i give him: pt.dmg.projectile pt.dmg.drowning pt.dmg.explosion i may have done some mistakes with the exact names cause i didnt looked them up, but this should give you a brief look into the configurqation.

This may sound really omplex for you but it just logical, if you look up the plugin.yml which is found in the permitthis.jar, you see all the superperms and can easily use them to cornfigure you perms really easy.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 6, 2012
  • Last Released File
    May 6, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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