

All behavior of OrePlus is controlled through its config.yml configuration file. A default config.yml will be produced in the plugin's directory the first time it is loaded into a Bukkit server.

A separate configuration can be specified for individual worlds. If a world-specific configuration is not supplied, then the default configuration (specified by a "default" entry) is used instead. Each world configuration consists of two sections of rules: generator rules and clear rules.

  • A generator rule is used to generate one or more deposits of a specified block type, dependent upon any conditions included with the rule.
  • A clear rule is used to replace instances of a specified block prior to running any of the generator rules. If no specific replacement is specified, clear rules replace their target block with smooth stone, and would typically be used to remove all instances of an or before regenerating it.

When creating your rules, remember that OrePlus is applied in addition to the vanilla Minecraft ore generator, not in place of it. Any ore you generate will be added to the default ore already generated. Use clear rules if you wish to "reset" the ore generated by Minecraft.

Example Configuration

  # Double diamonds
  - block: DIAMOND_ORE
    enabled: true
    rounds: 1
    size: 7
    min-height: 0
    max-height: 16
  # There's gold in them hills!
  - block: GOLD_ORE
    enabled: true
    rounds: 16
    size: 8
    minHeight: 0
    maxHeight: 80
  # ... and only in them hills.  Clear gold from everywhere else.
  - block: GOLD_ORE
    enabled: true
    min-height: 0
    max-height: 40
  # Creating hardship in the extreme
  - block: OBSIDIAN
    enabled: true
    size: 32
    rounds: 16
    min-height: 0
    max-height: 100
    biomes: [EXTREME_HILLS]

Rule Options

Generator Rules

  • block: The name or ID of a block type. A valid name would be any block entry from the Material enum of the Bukkit API. A data value can optionally be associated with the block. Note that you should use single quotes around your whole value when specifying the block's data. The following are examples of acceptable block entries:
    • block: IRON_ORE
    • block: 15
    • block: 'WOOL:14'
    • block: '35:14'
  • enabled: Specifies whether the rule is used or not. Values can be true or false. Default: true.
  • size: The "size" of an ore deposit, as used by Minecraft's ore generating algorithm. See the table below for reference values.
  • rounds: The number of deposits that will try to be created in each new chunk. Fewer deposits may be created if the algorithm selects a location that the ore cannot be generated in (like the middle of a cavern).
  • min-height: The minimum Y-coordinate to create a deposit at. Default: 0.
  • max-height: The maximum Y-coordinate to create a deposit at. Default: 64.
  • probability: The probability that a given round of generation will actually be tried. Valid range is 0.0 - 1.0, where 1.0 is always generate. Default: 1.0.
  • biomes: A list of biomes that generation is restricted to. Valid biome names are any entry from the Biome enum of the Bukkit API. Default: All biomes.

Clear Rules

  • block: The name or ID of a block to be cleared. Same format as block entry from Generator Rule. If a data value is included, only blocks with the matching data value will be cleared.
  • replacement: The name or ID of a block to replace the cleared block. Same format as the block entry. If a data value is not included, the original block's data value will be reused. Default: STONE:0.
  • min-height: The minimum Y-coordinate of blocks that should be cleared.
  • max-height: The maximum Y-coordinate of blocks that should be cleared.
  • biomes: A list of biomes were clearing should happen. Same format as biomes entry from Generator Rule. Default: All biomes.

Reference Data

The following table lists the parameters that are used by Minecraft for generating a default distribution of ores. For purposes of the ore generating algorithm, dirt and gravel are also considered an ore.

Ore TypeMin HeightMax HeightSizeRounds
Lapis Lazuli 103261
Emerald 2432--3-8

1 All ores are distributed uniformly throughout the given height range, with the exception of Lapis Lazuli, which uses a triangular distribution centered in the middle of the height range. OrePlus only generates uniform distributions.

2 Emerald does not use the typical ore generating algorithm; it randomly places a small number of individual ore blocks uniformly through its height range. You may be able to approximate this by choosing a smaller size in your generator rule.


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