
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

NoobKit v0.4.2 [#1.2.3-R0.2]

Note: Please install the latest version of the plugin, install Java 7, and set the enabled option in the config to true!

Have you ever joined a server and struggled to get supplies to last yourself just one night? This plugin will give every single new user that joins your server a starter kit defined by the owner.


  • Gives players a starter kit so they can start surviving!
  • Give kits in-game!
  • Multi-world support!
  • YAML database to keep a list of players that have joined.
  • Colored message support.
  • A config file where you can turn the plugin on or off and configure the kit.
  • Create your own custom kits!
  • Choose a kit to use when someone joins.
  • Kit is fully customizable!
  • Custom welcome message.


  1. NoobKit.jar into your plugin folder.
  2. Install Vault.
  3. Reload the server.
  4. Go into the config and edit the kits, welcome message, and enable the plugin.
  5. Reload the server and you are done!


To add an item to the kit, just put its item id number followed by a comma and the amount. If PermissionModeOn is set to false, players will get the kit as soon as they join the server, if it is set to true, you can give a player the NoobKit.getKit and whenever they change a world and if they have it, they will get a kit.

  Enabled: true
    - 1, 64
    - 2, 4
    - 1, 64
  WelcomeMessage: &9Welcome to the server! &cHave some cookies!
  DefaultKit: Stone
  PermissionModeOn: false


/noobkit give <player> <kit> (optional message)

/noobkit Check the version

If you do not put in a message, the player will get a default message saying [Noobkit]: You have recieved a kit from (your name). If you enter a custom message like "/noobkit give coolplayer TNTKit Have fun with this!" they will get a message saying [Noobkit]: Have fun with this!


NoobKit.give : Able to send kits. If you have no permission plugin, ops can use use this.

NoobKit.getKit : Able to get a kit when they join a world if permission mode is turned on.


(A) = Added

(F) = Fixed

(R) = Removed

(I) = Info

v0.4.4 [#1.2.3-R0.2 / #1.1-R6 / #1.2.3-R0.1]

(F) - Fixed a severe error with the plugin not creating the configs.

v0.4.2 [#1.2.3-R0.2 / #1.1-R6 / #1.2.3-R0.1]

(A) - Added a permission type thing so if the option is enabled, players will get the kit when they join a world if they have the permission NoobKit.getKit

(R) - Removed world options.

(I) - WorldOptions in the config is now obsolete.

(A) - You can now add color to the welcome message or the give command.(ie. /noobkit give Notch AwesomeKit &9Hi Notch!)

(A) - You can check the version of the plugin using /noobkit.

v0.4 [#1.1-R4]

(A) - You can now gives kits in-game!

(I) - /noobkit give <player> <kit name> (optional message to player)

v0.3 [#1.1-R4]

(A) - Multi-world support!

(F) - Fixed some minor bugs in the code.

(R) - Removed 6 second timer until the player gets a kit, it is now instant.

(I) - This version of the plugin should be less RAM intensive.

v0.2 [#1.1-R4]

(A) - Added the ability to have multipe kits and you can choose which one is the default.

(I) - Delete config.yml or the plugin will be messed up!

v0.1 [#1.1-R4]

(I) - Plugin released!

Future Additions

- Commands to make, delete, and add items to kits.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 29, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 23, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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