Commands and Permissions

Commands usage and Permissions

These commands are executed from the game.
You have to add the permissions nodes to the groups you want to on your favorite Permissions manager's files.

Game Commands

Command Description Permissions
- Whoever has this node can spy on all support ticket chat (good to mods in training)monstertickets.mod.spy
all Gives access to all commands monstertickets.* or monstertickets.mod
/request <description> or /help<description> (only if override help is set to true)Opens a support ticket under that players name.
/claim <id> Allows the mod to claim a ticket.monstertickets.claim
/close or /close <id> or /close all Allows the mod to close the current ticket, close an open ticket with out claiming it or close all of the tickets. monstertickets.close
/check or /check page <page #> or /check <ticket id> Allows the mod to check the currently open and claimed tickets. Optionally you can add -closed to the end to view closed tickets as well.monstertickets.check
/modlist Lists all of the online players with the permission node monstertickets.modmonstertickets.list
/mt reload Reloads the monstertickets configuration.monstertickets.reload
/mt toggle <toggle> Modifys a toggle on you. View below for the togglesmonstertickets.toggle
/ac (msg) or /adminchat (msg) Sends a message to monstertickets' admin chat.monstertickets.adminchat
/tp-ticket <id> Teleports you to where the specified ticket was

MonsterTickets' Toggles

Below are a list of toggles that you can use with the /mt toggle command.

Toggles :

  • spy : Allows you to toggle spy mode.
  • adminchat or ac : Directs all of your chat into admin chat until this toggle is disabled.


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