
Simple authorisation plugin that uses MongoDB to store user's credentials.

WARNING: To use this, you have to have MongoDB server\daemon installed and running. Beware

[Features so far]
- Login in and out
- registering and unregistering
- permissions(Yay!) - Admin commands (Although I find them a bit odd)
- password changing

[Planned features]
- None that I can think of.

/register [password] - register yourself with chosen password
/login [password] - login using your password
/logout - logout
/changepass [old_password] [new_password] - change your password
/unregister [password] - unregister yourself

mongoauth.user - Allows usage of plugin(register, login, etc)
mongoauth.admin - Admin commands(unregister other player, change his password)

- db-name: name of the mongodb database to use with plugin.
- collection-name: name of the mongo collection to use with plugin.
- disable-whitelist: if set to true, people with no access can join the server and register themselves. If set to false, you will have to manualy add player to the database.

DB Scrutcure:
So far, there's only one collection used, with the followring document structure:
{ "playername": [players name in minecraft. Has to be lowercase, not UPPERCASE], "password": [sha256 - encrypted password(IT HAS to be sha256], "allowed": [true\false, used if whitelist is enabled] }

Notice: If you are running offline and encountered an error, try to reproduce it in online-mode. If the problem appears only in offline-mode... Well... you are on your own, champ! Nobody is going to help you. You might consider switching to online-mode.

Holy guacamole. I'm nearing 500 downloads on this plugin. Are people really using it?



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