
Config of ModernWeapons

Take a look at the latest default config! Please note: The weapons and grenades are just an example, you can add some by yourself or delete these. Just read the FAQ that you know what properties a weapon can have ;)

# |\ \--------------ModernWeapons-----------/ /|
# |/ /                                      \ \|
# |\ \                 Config               / /|
# |/ /                                      \ \|
# |\ \--------------------------------------/ /|
# Copyright DarkBlade12; All rights reserved.
# DarkBlade12 is the developer and respective owner of this plugin.

# General settings
 # Value if the player starts with a full magazine when he gets a new weapon
 # If this is false, the player has to reload the weapon first
 FullMagazineStart: false
 # If this is set true, it'll check if pvp in your current area is denied and will block weapon usage
 # If WorldGuard is installed, it'll check for pvp-flags
 DisableInNonPvpAreas: true
 # If this is true, explosions from weapons will do block damage
 BlockDamage: false
 # If this is true, a weapon will try to reload, when the shots you've left reach 0
 AutoReload: true
 # If this is true, weapons will not consume ammo when you're in creative mode
 CreativeUnlimitedAmmo: false
 # If this is true, blood particle effects will appear if you shoot someone in the head
 HeadshotEffect: true
 # List of WorldLimit settings
  # If this is set to true, the weapons can only be used in the worlds entered in the Worlds list
  Enabled: false
  # List of worlds, where weapons are enabled
  # Only will be active if "Enabled" is set to true
   - world
   - world_nether
   - world_the_end

# List of message settings

 # If this is set to true, the player will receive all weapon related messages
 # Does not affect the Headshot and Death message
 Enabled: false
 # If this is set to true, the Headshot message will be sended
 HeadshotMessage: true
 # If this is true, the custom death message will show if the player is killed by a weapon from this plugin
 CustomDeathMessage: true
 # If this is true, the Disabled message will show if you try to use a weapon in a non pvp area
 # Only active when DisableInNonPvpAreas is set to true
 DisabledMessage: true
# List of messages
# These can be changed!
 NoMagazine: '&4&lYou dont have any bullets!'
 WeaponReloaded: '&a&lThe %weapon% has been reloaded!'
 HeadshotShooter: '&a&lYouve just shot %player% into the head!'
 HeadshotVictim: '&4&lYour head got pierced by %player%!'
 Death: '&8&l%killer% &r&a[%weapon%] &7&l%player%'
 Disabled: '&4&lYou are not allowed to use weapons here!'
# Knife settings
 # If this is true, players will be able to use knifes
 Enabled: true
 # Id of the item that is used as a knife
 Item: 352,1
 # Normal damage of the knife
 Damage: 5
 # Damage of the knife when hit in the victim's back 
 BackstabDamage: 20