
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

MobTrigger by Pandemoneus

Version 1.04

Always wanted to create amazing dungeons? Lacked a plug-in that spawns mobs when players step on a pressure plate, pull a lever or push a button? MobTrigger offers all of that.


Create customizable triggers that spawn monsters.
Set a spawn interval, delayed spawning, number of mobs and much more!
Timers run in a separate thread, so don't worry about your CPU load!


Permissions 3.x (optional)

Step by step guide on how to create your first trigger:

  1. Find a suitable place where you want mobs to spawn. Make sure your cuboid area does not have any blocks inside (or mobs might spawn inside them and suffocate).
  2. Type /mt select (requires '' permission)
  3. With a lever in your hand, mark the corners of the cuboid, by clicking once on the first, then on the second.
  4. Save your cuboid! Type /mt cuboid save MyFirstCuboid (requires '' permission)
  5. Now search for the trigger block you want to use (either a lever, button, wooden/stone pressure plate).
  6. Click that block while NOT having a lever in your hand and still being in selection mode.
  7. You got everything that we need now! Now type /mt trigger create 0 MyFirstCuboid 0 false 0 1 300 (requires 'mobtrigger.trigger.create' permission)
  8. Now that we have created the trigger, we need to add mobs to it. Type /mt trigger set pig 3 to make 3 pigs spawn when we trigger it. (requires 'mobtrigger.trigger.create' permission)
  9. And we are good to go! Type /mt select to exit the selection mode.
  10. Press the button/lever/pressure plate and see whether it works! (requires 'mobtrigger.trigger.use' permission)


Launch once to create a configuration file.
It is then located at /plugins/MobTrigger/config.yml.

Options are:

  • ForceBukkitPermissions: [true/false] - got Permissions installed but still want to use the built-in Bukkit Permission system? then set to true (default: false)
  • Trigger.Region.SelectionItemId: [itemID] - simply determines which item is used to select cuboids for the triggers (default: 69 / Lever)

Permission Nodes:

All permission nodes work both Permissions and BukkitPerm wise!

        description: Gives access to everything that the plug-in offers
        description: Enables you to modify everything that does not belong to you
        default: op
        description: Allows you to modify triggers that do not belong to you
        default: op
        description: Allows you to modify cuboids that do not belong to you
        default: op
        description: Gives access to all trigger related commands (excludes admin)
        description: Allows you to use triggers
        default: true
        description: Allows you to select triggers and trigger areas
        default: op
        description: Allows you to create, link and reset triggers
        default: op
        description: Allows you to remove and unlink triggers
        default: op
        description: Allows you to view the mob IDs the plug-in uses
        default: op
        description: Gives access to all trigger cuboid related commands (excludes admin)
        description: Allows you to save cuboids
        default: op
        description: Allows you to get info about cuboids
        default: op


All commands are case-insensitive.

Aliases: /mobtrigger /mt
Parameter explanations:
Name - explanation: Example
String: Hello
int - a whole number: 3
double - a decimal number: 2.7
boolean: true, false

  • /mt select - Toogles selection mode
  • /mt mobIDs - Shows a list of all mob IDs used by the plug-in
  • /mt cuboid save (String cuboidName) - Saves a selected cuboid under the specified name
  • /mt cuboid info (String cuboidName) - Shows information about the specified cuboid
  • /mt trigger create (int triggerID) (String cuboidName) (double firstDelay) (boolean isSelfTrigging) (double selfTriggerDelay) (int totalTimes) (double resetTime) - Creates a trigger. Parameters:
  1. triggerID - the ID of the trigger, using an already existing ID will overwrite that trigger
  2. cuboidName - the name of the cuboid the mobs will spawn in (see /mt cuboid save)
  3. firstDelay - the delay in seconds after which the trigger will fire the first time
  4. isSelfTriggering - determines whether the trigger executes itself again after it was first fired
  5. selfTriggerDelay - the delay in seconds after which it will execute itself again
  6. totalTimes - the total amount of times the trigger can be executed before it needs to be reset
  7. resetTime - the time in seconds after which the trigger resets itself after the very last possible execution
  • /mt trigger info - Shows information about the currently selected trigger
  • /mt trigger link (int triggerID) - Links a trigger block to a trigger with the specified ID
  • /mt trigger unlink - Removes the link from the selected trigger block
  • /mt trigger reset (int triggerID) - Reset the trigger with the specified ID, also kills all mobs
  • /mt trigger showIDs - Shows a list of all triggers you own
  • /mt trigger set (int mobID|String mobName) (int amount) - Sets the amount of mobs spawned by the trigger


Thanks to bekvon for his utility classes



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