
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Currently in development.

mcDungeons facilitates advanced dungeon creation on Minecraft servers. It allows for much greater control over monster properties and spawning than is available by default. These settings allow users to create RPG-like instance areas of the world which can be configured to meet certain difficulty levels. The difficulty can be scaled up for encounters intended for group collaboration, or just higher skilled players in general.

Regions: mcDungeons allows server admins to specify regions in the minecraft world and control the creature spawns of that region. Within a defined region, a difficulty level may be set in addition to which creature types to spawn, how many, and when.

Levels: mcDungeons allows server admins to create difficulty levels (i.e. level1, level2, level3). Each level can have its own set of properties: creature health, creature damage, create speed. These levels are set for specified region.

Loot: Like most RPG's, more powerful monsters should drop more powerful loot. mcDungeons has planned features for accommodating this mechanic in Minecraft.

Timing controls: In order to not overwhelm players and to allow the players to flow from area to area, timing controls will be added. These controls will allow spawning to occur on configurable intervals. For example, a group of players enters a dungeon area, a set of creatures spawns to engage the players. Spawning shuts off for 10 minutes during the encounter. 12 minutes later a second group of players enters the dungeon and triggers another round of spawns, etc.

Example usage: 1) Create a region using world edit wand. "wand". Left-click first block, right-click second block. 2) Define Worldguard region: "/region define <name>". 3) Select the region: "/region select <name>". 4) Expand it vertically: "expand vert". 5) Add region to mcDungeons config: "/mcd add <name>". Name must match name in step 2,3. 6) View and set region settings using other commands. See "/mcd" for usage information.

Note: I realize this is too many steps and I plan to simplify things soon.

Dependency: Initial alpha and beta versions require both Worldguard and Worldedit to be installed.

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