Majority Vote

A simple vote plugin which allows players to vote on any commands used in your server.

Have there been times on your server when there aren't any Administrators online to handle users requests? Or if you went afk, and a spammer came online and there was nothing that could be done? The possibilities and needs for this plugin are endless. It is possible to execute other commands from other plugins!

Introducing the Vote!

Fully customised in a config file, players can perform any command for any other plugin, if they get the required votes. All players need to do, is, for example, type /vote mute [player], and if it receives enough votes, the player would be muted.

Setting up:

There are two main steps in setting up this plugin. Permissions, and the config.yml file.


After running Majority Vote for the first time, a config.yml file will be generated in /plugins/MajorityVote/ with the default settings, and some examples of syntax.

The values for the settings, and a description are as follows:

minumumPercent: - What is the minimum percentage of players who vote yes on the server to allow the vote to pass?

minimumPlayers: - What is the absolute minimum number of players for the vote to pass?

timeout: - If this amount of time passes (in seconds), the vote will timeout and not be passed.

Adding new commands:

under the node Commands, you can add your own custom commands, used in other plugins. Following the examples, you can see each command has a command and a description. The command is what the console will execute if the vote has been passed. There is one variable available, %arg%, which can be set from /vote [command] %arg%.

An example for a mute vote would be:

        command: mute %arg% 10 minutes You have been vote muted!
        description: mute a player for 10 minutes.

The description can be set to anything you like.

A list of the available commands to use with vote can be found in game by typing /vote.


There are 3 nodes to use with Majority Vote.

majorityvote.startvote - is the player allowed to start a vote?

majorityvote.input - is the player allowed to vote?

majorityvote.stop - is the player allowed to overrule, and stop the vote?

Final Notes:

Remember, any command can be used, there are no defaults, and there must be a plugin to support that command.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Nov 7, 2011
  • Last Released File
    Feb 2, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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