


  • Chat formatting including permission-based color codes
  • Easy to use private message system
  • Playerlist formatting including /list and tab
  • Join-, leave- and kick-message formatting
  • Broadcast formatting including /say
  • Fakequit and namechanging
  • Autocomplete of players and groups
  • Highly configurable

Those are all basic features - what makes this plugin special is the pm-system that allows for multiple targets with additional arguments. It was made because normal users almost never use channels so they are quite pointless. However, a big server should have the possibility for private messaging with more than one other user, so why not let the user create his own channels with a very simple command?

Commands & Permissions

/tell <Targets> [Message]/pm, @lnxchat.command.tellCreates a conversation with all targets and sends an optional message
/r [Message]/reply, @Focuses on the last active conversation or sends an optional message
/say <Message>/br, /broadcastlnxchat.command.broadcastBroadcasts a message to all online players
/list/who, /playerslnxchat.command.whoLists all online players sorted by group
/list/who, /playerslnxchat.command.adminwhoLists all online players with their true name sorted by group
/chLists all available channel commands
/ch listlnxchat.command.listLists all own conversations
/ch listalllnxchat.command.listallLists all conversations
/ch <ID> add <Player>lnxchat.command.addAdds a user to an own conversation
/ch <ID> add <Player>lnxchat.command.addallAdds a user to a conversation
/ch <ID> remove <Player>/ch <ID> remlnxchat.command.removeRemoves a user from an own conversation
/ch <ID> remove <Player>/ch <ID> remlnxchat.command.removeallRemoves a user from a conversation
/ch <ID> closelnxchat.command.closeCloses a conversation
/ch arguments/ch argslnxchat.command.argumentsLists all available arguments
/ch reloadlnxchat.command.reloadReloads the plugin
/fakeLists all available fake commands
/fake quitlnxchat.fake.quitSends a quit- or join-message
/fake name [Name]lnxchat.fake.nameChanges or resets the name for the next login
lnxchat.color.globalAllows using color codes in global chat
lnxchat.color.channelAllows using color codes in conversations
lnxchat.color.nameAllows using color codes in fake names


-glnxchat.argument.groupTargets a group
-flnxchat.argument.forceFocuses the user or group on the channel
-slnxchat.argument.silentSuppresses all info messages
-alnxchat.argument.anonymDeactivates console logging


The whole thing sounds very complicated but is very easy to use. Here are some examples.

@/rToggles between global chat and the last active conversation
@Horst-f/pm Horst-fOpens a conversation with Horst and focuses him on it
@admin-g,Horst-s-f Hi/tell admin-g,Horst-s-f HiOpens a conversation with the admin group and Horst, focuses him on it without telling him and sends them "Hi"
@ Hi/r HiSends "Hi" to the last active conversation without changing focus
/ch listLists conversations and their id
@2-a Hi/pm 2-a HiSends "Hi" to conversation 2 and deactivates logging of it


The configuration is self-updating, color codes can be with all formats. They can also be set to false to leave the messages unchanged. If you need other variables than the given ones just tell me.

chatformatFormat for global chat{PREFIX}, {SUFFIX}, {NAME}, {MSG}
channelformatFormat for conversations with more than two usersAll of the above and {ID}
pmformatFormat for conversations with two users{SENDER}, {TARGET}, {MSG}
listformatFormat for tablist{PREFIX}, {SUFFIX}, {NAME}
broadcastformatFormat for broadcasted messages{NAME}, {MSG}
joinformatFormat for join messages{PLAYERS}, {NAME}
leaveformatFormat for leave messagesAll of the above
kickformatFormat for kick messagesAll of the above
groupformatGroup format for /list{LIST}, {GROUP}, {GROUPFLU}, {FLU}, {PREFIX}, {SUFFIX}
consolenameThe name of the console when sending a private message
saytobroadcastShould the console say be displayed in broadcast-format?
usetagapiShould TagAPI be used for fake names?
timeoutMinutes until removal of dead conversations after leave

{NAME} (or {SENDER} for pms)Name of the sender
{MSG}Message to send
{PREFIX}Group prefix and player prefix
{SUFFIX}Group suffix and player suffix
{ID}Conversation id or group name (if only that group is targeted)
{TARGET}Name of the target
{PLAYERS}Amount of online players
{LIST}List of all players in that group
{GROUP}Name of the group
{GROUPFLU}Name of the group, first letter uppercase
{FLU}First letter of the group name uppercase


Ordered by priority. Suggestions are appreciated.

  • Configurable messages for everything including languages (will need some guys to translate)
  • -r Argument for regions (Residence, WorldGuard, Regios, LineXRegions)
  • -gu Argument for guilds (Uhm... good guild plugins?)
  • -t Argument for pvp (PvPArena, others?)
  • More documentation Nope, deal with it



  • Initial release


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