Getting Started

This is a quick guide on Installation, Using the plugin and getting started.


To install, download the LDQuest.jar file and put it in your /plugins/ directory. The next time you run the server (or reload) it will create two new folders. /plugins/LDQuest/Quests/ and /plugins/LDQuest/Players/

  • The Players folder is a data folder that contains information about how much all of your players have completed. If you ever need to restart somebody's progress - edit their file in there.
  • The Quests folder is where all of your ".qst" (quest) files are kept. These are how the plugin knows about different quests and adds them to the game.

Using the Plugin:


The permissions used by this plugin are: LD.Quest.* - allows everything. Default OP. LD.Quest.Quest - allows you to take part in the quests. Default Everybody. LD.Quest.Create - allows you to create "Quest Signs" (Signs starting with #quest# on line1.) Default OP. LD.Quest.Destroy - allows you to destroy "Quest Signs" (There is default protection on quest signs so idiots won't break them). Default OP. LD.Quest.Admin - not functional. Default OP.


Currently the only command is: /LDReply <number> After interacting with a group (i.e. a quest-sign or NPC) you type this to select the reply you want. Possible replies are listed with numbers such as: [0]This is a reply [1]Punch the dog in the face [2][OLD]Look for dogs (Where [OLD] means you've seen this reply before, but it's still open in case you forgot what it said).

How To:

To interact with a quest. You find a quest sign (Any sign with #quest# on line1) or a Citizens NPC and right click on them. This will give you a quick bit of information and show you the replies if there are any. If there are no replies available (either you haven't met previous requirements, or there are no quests here) it will say that you don't "find it very interesting".

By talking to these NPCs, you will progress the quest (often without being directly told whether you are doing well or not - that decision is up to the quest-maker who wrote the quest). Eventually you may get rewards, or be asked to give them things (Objectives). In general, it should be fun to follow a quest-story.

Making and Implementing new Quests

This is about making a new quest, or implementing a quest you downloaded from somebody else.

Assuming you have got the .qst file there (a .yml file that has been renamed) you can add the quest to your server (I will go on to making this file later). To do so, just put it in the /plugins/LDQuest/Quests/ folder.

The quest will then be loaded - however, you will likely not have any of the NPCs that it requires. To add them, go into the .qst file (or read the README file that any good quest-maker will have given you) and write down the names of any NPCs and where they should be placed.

The next thing to do, is place them. If you are using citizens NPCs, see Citizens documentation (their plugin) for how to create new NPCs - you simply want an NPC for each "group" listed at the bottom of your .qst file.

If you don't have citizens NPC plugin - use the built-in quest-signs (which are also good for representing items and things you want to interact with, that aren't human NPCs). Create a new sign (assuming you have LD.Quest.Create permission) and put: #quest# on the first line - nothing else. The second line (wrapping onto the 3rd line) is the name. If the group you're implementing is called "Dave", just write Dave on the second line (the plugin will pick up on spaces). To test it's worked, just right-click it and it should tell you that you're now focused on Dave. Do this for each "group" listed in the file - unless it's marked as an inheritance group (meaning it wasn't designed to be seen by players in-game; it's being used as a config thing).

Making a Quest

To make a quest you just need a text editor. Personally I recommend using Notepad (use whatever editor you use for most bukkit plugins). Change the language to YAML, and make sure that tabs are turned to spaces.

You then build up the parts of the file to create a quest - most of them can be nested infinitely, allowing you to make really powerful and complex quests (for example the requirement system). To find out what to write where; download the exemplar.qst file from the "Files" section above. It is a walk-through tutorial on what can be put where and how.

If you have any issues or get confused - just tell me and post a link to your .qst file in the "Ticket" section for me to see.


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