Configuration Options

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Default config.yml

# LDLogger configuration file
# Request new features on GitHub

  log-staff: false
  enabled: true
    inform-players: false
    diamond: true
    iron: true
    emerald: true
  enabled: true
    min-chars: 10
    min-ratio: 0.7
      - LDLogger
    kick-player: false
    kick-message: Shouting. Don't use CAPS.
    kick-cancel-chat: true

Node descriptions

NEW general.log-stafffalseSetting this to true means people with LDLogger.staff will be logged.
xray.enabledtrueEnable/disable the entire ore logging feature at once
NEW xray.options.inform-playersfalseBy default only staff are told about ores being discovered. Setting to true informs all players.
xray.options.diamondtrueConfigure whether diamond mining is logged
xray.options.irontrueConfigure whether iron mining is logged
xray.options.emeraldtrueConfigure whether emerald mining is logged
shouting.enabledtrueEnable/disable the entire shouting feature at once
shouting.options.min-chars10The minimum length of a message before it can be considered to be shouting
shouting.options.min-ratio0.5The minimum lowercase-to-caps ratio before a message is considered shouting
shouting.options.ignoredLDLoggerProvide a list of words that are not counted as part of shouting detection (e.g. your server's name)
NEW shouting.options.kick-playerfalseBy default this is false, which means that CAPS messages are automatically converted to lower-case. Set to true to revert to old behaviour, where the player is kicked instead.
shouting.options.kick-messageShouting. Don't use CAPS.Customise the message displayed to users when kicked for shouting
NEW shouting.options.kick-cancel-chattrueSetting to false means that chat message still appears, even if player is kicked. May conflict with some chat plugins if set to false, e.g. Herochat.


Always run

/ldlogger reload
after modifying the configuration file, instead of restarting the entire server. It's better for everyone.