

Do-Knocker-Sound: whether or not you want a sound to be played at the door that has been knocked on. (true/false)
Do-Knocker-Message: whether or not you want the knocker to be sent a message when they knock. (true/false)
Do-Owner-Sound: whether or not you want a sound to be played to a player with their name on a sign near the knocked door. (true/false)
Do-Owner-Message: whether or not you want a message to be sent to the player with their name on a sign near the knocked door. (true/false)

Knocker-Sound: the sound played at the door when it is knocked on. (Sound)
Knocker-Sound-Volume: the volume of the knocker sound. (0+)
Knocker-Message: the message that is sent to the player who has knocked on a door. ("Message")
Knocker-Chat-Color: the chat color of the knocker message. (ChatColor)

Owner-Sound: the sound played for the player with their name on a sign near the knocked door. (Sound)
Owner-Sound-Volume: the volume of the owner sound. (0+)
Owner-Message: the message sent to the player with their name on a sign near the knocked door. ("Message")
Owner-Chat-Color: the chat color of the owner message. (ChatColor)

Sign-Radius: the radius that is searched for a sign with a player name on it when a door is knocked on. (0+)


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