Commands and Permissions

Here are the permissions and the associated commands:

<param> - necessary parameter
[param] - optional paramter

CommandPermission NodeDescription
/ksKarmicShare.karmaShow karma and groups
/ks giveKarmicShare.give && KarmicShare.commands.giveGive the item stack in current hand
/ks take <item>[:data] [amount]KarmicShare.take && KarmicShare.commands.takeTake item(s) from pool
/ks take <item name> [amount]KarmicShare.take && KarmicShare.commands.takeTake item(s) from pool, name must follow as shown in list
/ks list [page #]KarmicShare.commands.listList items in pool, will go to specified page if it exists.
/ks prevKarmicShare.commands.listShow previous page of list
/ks nextKarmicShare.commands.listShow next page of list
/ks value [prev/next/page#]KarmicShare.commands.valueList karma multipliers, and page through just like item list
/ks page <page number>KarmicShare.chestJump page numbers for chests
/ks open [page#]KarmicShare.command.openOpen an inventory view for your currently selected group, at the given page
/ks help-Show help menu. Alias: /ks ?
/ks infoKarmicShare.admin.* / KarmicShare.infoInspect currently held item for details (id, data, enchantments, etc)
/ks player <name>KarmicShare.admin.* / KarmicShare.karma.otherShow karma of given player
/ks group-Show group help
/ks group create <name> a new group
/ks group add <group> <player> [player2] player(s) to group
/ks group remove <group> <player> [player2] player(s) from group
/ks group set <group>-Set your selected group to the one given, if you are allowed
/ks leave [group] <group2> you to leave your group(s)
/ks admin add <item>[:data] [amount]KarmicShare.admin.addAdd item(s) to pool, you can remove an item by using a negative amount.
/ks admin reset <player>KarmicShare.admin.resetReset's player karma
/ks admin drain [group]KarmicShare.admin.drainEmpty item pool of specified group. If no group given, will default to global.
/ks admin cleanupKarmicShare.admin.cleanupRun cleanup task, which removes any items from all groups that have a negative or zero amount
/ks admin reloadKarmicShare.admin.reloadReload configuration
/ks admin group create <group> a group
/ks admin group delete <group> a group and the group from all players
/ks admin group add <group> <player> [player2] a user to be added to a group
/ks admin group remove <group> <player> [player2] a user to be removed from a group
/ks version-Show version and config variables
-KarmicShare.chestAbility to use linked chests
-KarmicShare.signAbility to create/destroy signs for linking chests to the item pool
-KarmicShare.ignore.*Player node to ignore karma and groups
-KarmicShare.ignore.karmaPlayer node to ignore karma
-KarmicShare.ignore.groupPlayer node to ignore groups*Access to all user group commands
-KarmicShare.admin.*Access to all admin commands, including admin group commands*Access to all admin group commands

Note: Permission nodes use Bukkit's built-in SuperPerms system. All nodes default to op currently, due to alpha stage and so that admins can manage the nodes with a permission plugin.

Also, there is a KarmicShare.* node, that gives all available nodes.


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