Commands and permissions

Commands and permissions: (v1.0.7-v1.3.0)

/hand - this will display the item ID that you're holding at the moment.

/hand reload - this will reload the config.yml-file and the items.yml-file

/id <itemname> - this will display the item ID of the specified item.


iteminhand.hand - gives you permission to use /hand

iteminhand.reload - gives you permission to use /hand reload - gives you permission to use /id <itemname>


Commands and permissions for older versions of ItemInHand:


/hand - this will display the item ID that you're holding at the moment.

/hand reload - this will reload the config.yml-file and the items.yml-file

/hand <itemname> - this will display the item ID of the specified item.


hand.hand - gives you permission to use /hand

hand.reload - gives you permission to use /hand reload

hand.items - gives you permission to use /hand <itemname>


v1.0.0 & v1.0.1:

/hand - this will display the item ID that you're holding at the moment.


hand.hand - gives you permission to use /hand



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