2.0.0 Change Log

Latest Build Information:

Latest Build: v2.0.0 b2049

RP-Commons: v1.01 b68

File Size: 213.5 KB (JAR)

v2.0.0 is FEATURE LOCKED as of b2049

This change-log consists of features which have already been introduced into IPC / completed. It will be updated as development continues. IPC 2.0.0 Change Log:

  • Rewrote IPC from scratch to be in compliance with new in-house development library (RP-Commons 1.01). All code is now up-to-date and all dated code has been removed from the plugin.
  • Player Logger rewritten. The logger has been switched from a two-part system to a one-part system. This will improve reliability of the logger and prevent possible data-swappage (when a player is logged with the information of another) when multiple players log in at the same time.
  • Report Refinements. Fixed duplicate account entries for a given IP-Set as well as duplicate IP-Sets in a report. The list formatting that was present in /ipc scan (gave the result list proper punctuation and grammar) has been implemented in the Report result listings for ease of readability.
  • SQL Backend changes. Due to the implementation of RP-Commons and the subsequent rewrite of the SQL backend, the backend is now injection proof. Additionally, a move has been made to store all data in lower-case format from this time onward. This will have no affect on your existing databases.
  • Removed forced punctuation from ban messages (whenever a ban message was passed to /ipc ban, a period would be added to it).
  • Added Notifications for /ipc kick. Essentially the same format as the notifications given for ./ipc ban
  • Added permission ipcheck.seekick. Required to see kick notifications.
  • All Broadcast Notifications (Kick, Ban and other) are now logged to the Console, and thus saved to the server logs.
  • Added ability to specify ban message on /ipc banall
  • Changed syntax of /ipc banall to be more-to-the-point. The new syntax is /ipc banall <START_TIME> <STOP_TIME | now> [MESSAGE]. If you would like to ban all accounts from the Start Time up until the current moment in time, the 'now' keyword can be used in place of STOP_TIME.
  • /ipc banall can now be disabled via configuration option "should-manage-bans".
  • The use of /ipc banall now requires having the permission ipcheck.ban as well as ipcheck.banall.
  • /ipc sban can now be disabled via configuration option "should-manage-bans".
  • Added Exemption Status checking to IPObjects and UserObjects. Given this, Usernames and IP-Addresses which do not exist in the database can no longer be exempt. Additionally, if you attempt to exempt a Username or IP-Address which is already exempt, a message will be returned stating that no accounts were modified, just as ./ipc ban does when you attempt to ban an account which is already banned.
  • Reformatted /ipc exempt-list. Individual tallys are now given for IP exemptions and Player exemptions. Headers are in gold and tally counts are in red, with listing information in yellow. Additially, the List Formatter used on /ipc scan and check reports is now utilized with exempt-list as well, adding proper punctuation and grammar to the lists.
  • Removed Hide Command, it's configuration option and it's associated functions due to poor implementation.
  • Removed permission ipcheck.override.
  • Removed configuration option ban-state-synchronized due to a new implementation scheme.
  • Removed configuration option logging-date-stamp-format due to never being implemented.
  • Added Active Mode. When enabled, any new accounts that are made on your server which are linked to a banned IP address will automatically be banned. (This will work regardless of whether the IP is banned with Bukkit or not.)
  • Added configuration option warn-on-rejoin-attempt. This will show a notification whenever a banned player attempts to join your server.
  • Added ability to exempt players and IPs from the rejoin warning in an effort to cut down on potential spamming of the message.
  • Modified /ipc exempt. When a player is exempt now, IPC will prompt you to select which type of Exemption you would like to add. There are currently two types of exemptions: Login Exemption (The original exemption) and Rejoin-Warn Exemption. This change applies to /ipc unexempt as well.
  • On reports generated for banned players, the report will indicate whether IPC will issue a rejoin-warning for that particular player or not.
  • Implemented Local Plugin Statistics. During operation, the plugin will monitor certain functions of it's usage, and allow you to view them at whim. This information is reset when the server is shut down / reloaded, and is not collected in any way, shape or form.
  • Added command /ipc status. This command allows you to view Plugin Statistics.
  • Implemented GeoIP Services. GeoIP Services allow IPC to look up where an IP-Address originates from (in this case, specifically, IPC is looking at the originating country.) This will allow IPC to report player location to staff and allow for implementation of a country blacklist. Additionally, IP Reports will also display Location as well.
  • Added configuration option use-geoip-services. This option acts as a global control for all functions involving GeoIP Services.
  • Added configuration option use-country-blacklist. This option acts as a control for the Country Blacklist. If you attempt to add or remove a block from the black-list while this option is disabled, you will receive a warning.
  • Added configuration option country-blacklist. This option stores all countries which are blocked from joining your server.
  • Added configuration option blocked-message. This is the message that will be displayed to players who attempt to join from blocked countries.
  • Added command /ipc block <COUNTRY_ID | help>. Entering a valid country or country ID will add the country to IPC's blacklist. Typing help will provide you with a list of Countries and their corresponding IDs.
  • Added command /ipc unblock <COUNTRY_ID | help>. Entering a valid country or country ID which exists in IPC's blacklist will unblock the country. Typing help provides the same functions as /ipc block help.
  • Added command /ipc protect <PLAYER>. Protecting a player prevents them from being banned through IPC commands. This is useful in the event that you ban a player who has attempted to log on as a protected player, and will prevent the protected player being banned.
  • Added command /ipc unprotect <PLAYER>. Removes protection status from player.
  • Added field "Last Login" to Player Report. This will display the amount of time that has passed since the player being checked has (attempted to) log(ged) on to your server, formatted as " Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds."
  • Added command /ipc modban <PLAYER> <MESSAGE>. This command allows you to modify the ban message of any banned player without having to first unban them.
  • Updated Metrics to R7.