

Hello, this is one of my first plugins for Bukkit, soo don't expect something greatful ;)

This plugin does a really simple function - allows you and player storing blocks into other blocks. It works this way: A player will point on a block (let me say its ID 5), and type [b]/is create finite[/b] (for example), the then takes the block (like a stack of it) and right click the block he was pointing on before. The storage will be filled let me say with a stack of ID 5. Another player comes around, and want that blocks, so he just steps before it and break it. It will appear again, and the storage count will be lowered by 1. He can continue as long as the storage is not empty. If the owner want to delete the storage, he just type /is list and looks for the ID, or just point on the storage and type /is del (all stored blocks are retrieved).


/is or /is helpShows help
/is create <infinite|finite>Creates a storage at block you are looking at
/is del [id]Delete a storage you are looking at or with specified ID
/is list [player]List of your or specified player's storages
/is aboutInformation about plugin
/is reloadReloads the config


infstorage.useAllows using storages
infstorage.createAllows creating storages
infstorage.create.finiteAllows creating finite storages
infstorage.create.infiniteAllows creating infinite storages
infstorage.delAllows deleting storages
infstorage.del.ownAllows deleting own storages
infstorage.del.allAllows deleting all storages
infstorage.reloadAllows reloading the plugin

Sign Support

You just place a sign on a wall above the storage with first line: [Storage] Everything else appears automatically


  • iConomy Support
  • /is info [ID] - Info about storage
  • More developers
  • Testers

This mod is EXPERIMENTAL! I have tested it, but it could have some minor bugs, handle with caution ;)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Aug 26, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 31, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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