

Default Config File

  lower-wall: 98
  upper-wall: 85
  path: 44
  surface: 2
  base: 1
  restrict-spawning: true
  size: 64
  height: 20

The default config file is given above for reference, it is split into two sections.


The blocks section can be used to configure which blocks will be used for the various parts of the world. each setting in this section should have the value of the block id to be used.

  • lower-wall - This is the lower part of the two block high wall around the edge of the plots, the default it smooth stone bricks.
  • upper-wall - This is the upper part of the wall, the default is fence.
  • path - This is the path, the default it stone half blocks.
  • surface - This is the top layer of the world, by default this is grass.
  • base - This is anything below the surface block, by default this is stone.


The plots section can be used to control various aspects of the world.

  • restrict-spawning - This value will control whether mobs should be allowed to spawn in all plots worlds.
  • size - This controls the size of the plots, it is recommended to set this to a multiple of 16 to ensure correct positioning of the gate.
  • height - This controls the height of the surface block.