Hunger Games Network

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Hunger Games Network (Version 1.5)


The contents of this document can also be found on our website in a much nicer-looking format

The best way to demonstrate this plugin is to try it out yourself. Click here and join a server from the Server list to try it out!

The plugin was on the front page of r/Minecraft. You can view the thread by clicking here.

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What this plugin does

Are you frustrated with the lack of dedicated hunger games server plugins? Ones that run like the bigger servers do with custom maps, or randomly-generated maps? We were too, so we did something about it.

This self-contained plugin is simple and can be set up very quickly. Once you have set it up, you won't need to touch it; rounds will begin automatically after short periods of time, and cleanup will happen automatically.

The plugin allows two game modes: one "classic" experience and the other with custom maps. In the classic experience, you are given a short amount of time and a few starting items depending on the "kit" you choose before PvP is enabled, at which point the last person standing wins. In custom map mode, you can either use a bundled map or make one of your own with a very easy-to-use plugin called MapLoaderSetup. You'll drop the resulting .zip file inside of the plugin folder, and you'll be all set.

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Why you should choose this plugin

  1. We are one of the few groups distributing high-quality Hunger Games plugins, whereas other well-known “Survival Games” servers keep their plugins to themselves.

  2. This plugin is 100% free, as are all future updates.

  3. There are two main modes in this plugin, one offering a “classic” experience in randomly-generated maps and one in which you use custom maps.

  4. In classic mode, players are given a short period of time to acquire resources in a couple minutes of invulnerability. They start out with a few items according to whatever “class” they choose.

  5. In custom mode the server owner drops in a map bundle, such as Vareide‘s Survival Games maps (all three of which are included in the plugin download), and players fight to the death. Map bundles can be easily made, and instructions can be found on our homepage

  6. We include stat tracking, which will be improved over time

  7. Classes (for use in "classic" mode) can be unlocked through normal gameplay at a more-than-reasonable rate, and credits can be purchased online for a very reasonable price.

  8. Credits purchases go toward keeping the Central Server service online, and any excess funds are donated to the EFF, who fight for our Internet freedoms

  9. When running the plugin, you’ll automatically be added to the Server List

  10. Anti cheat functionality; currently only anti-xray. More features will be added and refined over time.

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  1. Classic mode
  2. Custom mode
  3. Changing server address
  4. Removing your server from the server list
  5. Changing the plugin language

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  1. <a id=classic>Classic mode</a>

    1. Drop the plugin jar into the server plugins/ directory.
    2. Run the server once (it’ll automatically shut down) to create the config file
    3. If you've run custom mode before, make sure that plugins/Hungergames/map/ is empty.
    4. If you have a custom server address, go to Section 3.
    5. If you don't want your server to appear on the server list, go to Section 4
    6. If you want to use French, German, Chinese, or Dutch localization, go to Section 5
    7. Start up your server and play
    8. (Optional): Modify the standby world to your heart's content (you have to be OP to do this))

    9. <a id=custom>Custom mode</a>

    10. Drop the plugin jar into the server plugins/ directory.

    11. Run the server once (it’ll automatically shut down) to create the config file
    12. Drop any number of bundled map zip files (such as the ones included with the plugin) into plugins/HungerGames/map/ . If you want to create your own bundle, see Making Custom Maps
    13. If you have a custom server address, go to Section 3.
    14. If you don't want your server to appear on the server list, go to Section 4
    15. If you want to use French, German, Chinese, or Dutch localization, go to Section 5
    16. Start up your server and play
    17. (For OPs: do /map to switch maps)
    18. (Optional: Modify the standby world to your heart's content (you have to be OP to do this))

    19. <a id=address>Changing server address</a>

    20. Open the Hunger Games config file (plugins/HungerGames/config.yml)

    21. Change the text after “override-query: “ to your custom server address (such as “”)

    22. <a id=serverlist>Removing your server from the server list</a>

    23. Open the Hunger Games config file (plugins/HungerGames/config.yml)

    24. Change the text after "server-listed: " from "true" to "false"

    25. <a id=localization>Changing the plugin language</a>

    26. Open the Hunger Games config file (plugins/HungerGames/config.yml)

    27. Change the text after "locale: " to deDE, frFR, zhCN, or nlNL

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Changelog (1.5)

  • Added a setting for time before a round begins (minutes-before-start in the config)
  • Fixed issues relating to invisible players
  • Dead players appear as red in the player list now
  • Dead players have red names in chat (replaces the ugly "[SPEC]" tag)
  • OP players have gray names
  • Corrected player count on the central server list
  • Fixed many crash bugs related to the server list
  • Fixed spectating players appearing on the Server List as legitimate players remaining
  • Prevented conflict between MapLoaderSetup and HungerGames (HungerGames will remain enabled; MapLoaderSetup will go away)
  • Fixed a major game-crashing Exception in Classic mode
  • Fixed many spectator-related Exceptions
  • Fixed erroneous messages being sent to spectators about their command usage
  • The kick screen after the round ends displays who won
  • The server list now shows the "Game in progress" message even in custom map mode
  • The Minecraft server list now properly displays players remaining after the round has started
  • Fixed localization on /list
  • Endermen no longer pick up nor place blocks
  • Fixed a bug related to kills with arrows
  • Fixed an issue related to chat
  • Fixed the display of max players for custom maps
  • Shortened logout time to 15 seconds
  • Made a workaround to overriding /help
  • Fixed a situation in which alive players would be able to see spectators
  • Rounds now end after 25 minutes (with notices in-game)
  • Spectators are now reminded of /help
  • Added a message to /rewards about offline/cracked servers
  • Duplicate server list entries will automatically be removed
  • Fixed player counts in server list entries
  • /stats <playername> for simple stats
  • Changed /rewards to /shop
  • Packets are handled on a synchronized task (hopefully no more spontaneous NullPointerExceptions)
  • Players can no longer run off their pedestal during lag and open chests (custom map mode)
  • Fixed /who and /players
  • (MapLoaderSetup) Added confirmation to removal of spawnpoints
  • (MapLoaderSetup) Added /breakable [add|remove] all


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 4, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Sep 25, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License
