

HeadHunt adds a new element of gameplay to your server's PvP. With little to no setup, it allows your players to become hitmen, paid for the killing of a target. A player simply types the command "/target", and it tells them who to kill, as well as pointing their compass towards their victim. Once they slay their victim, they are awarded money (configurable in the config file) through Vault.

HeadHunt makes use of the plugin Vault to link with your economy, and assumes you have some sort of economy plugin (iConomy, Essentials, Bose...). If Vault is not already installed, HeadHunt will download and install it for you.


Tells you want player to kill and points your compass (if you have one) at that person. Right click with the compass to update its needle!

/target <player1> <player2>

Sets player1's target to player2

Full Call-Home disclosure:
This plugin calls home to a webserver of mine to check for an update to HeadHunt and to display a message of the day in your console (not in-game chat!). During this process, your server's IP is cached by apache, but it will not be revealed to any 3rd party. It can be easily disabled in the plugin config, as well.

Your configuration file will be generated and stored in plugins/HeadHunt/config.yml
Max Bounty: 10000
Min Bounty: 5000
Require permissions: false
Cooldown: 5
Allow CallHome: true
Time-based reward: false
Deduction per second (if enabled): 1
Max Bounty is the maximum amount that will be awarded to someone for a kill. Minimum is the minimum.
Require permissions: If this is enabled, for someone to "/target" or to be targeted, they require permission nodes, as described below. If requiring permissions is set to false (default), then every player will be able to participate in the bounty game. Either way, the permission node headhunt.matchmaker will be required (or the player has to be op) for that command to work.
Cooldown is the cooldown for someone to request a new target, in minutes. If set to the default of 5, a player will be able to run the "/target" command every 5 minutes. If run before this, it will block them from running the command and getting a new target.
Allow CallHome: If set to false it will prevent the plugin from calling home to check for an update and display a MOTD in your server console (not chat!).
Time-based reward will subtract money (as determined by deduction per second (if enabled):) per second between when a hunter's target is set and when they finish the kill.

-headhunt.cantarget Allows the "/target" command
-headhunt.targetable Allows that player to be targeted
-headhunt.matchmaker Allows player to do the "/target <player1> <player2>" command

There are two different permission nodes for cantarget and targetable so you can do stuff like let Builders and Default be targeted/hunted, but only Builders can be the Hunters (makes for some fun Role-Play!).

If you need help with this plugin or are having issues with it yelling at you in console and not-working in-game, just post below and I'll try to help you out!

Is it buggy?
Through my limited testing everything has been working fine.

Though that has been said, keep in mind, it is in its infancy, and I created it this morning while feeling bored, so its bound to have a few issues. You may notice plugins having issues starting up the 1st time you run this plugin if it has to download Vault. Just reload or restart the server and the problem will be fixed. :)


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