All commands

Here's a list of all the commands (without duplicates like /buy and /purchase being the same).

Be sure to also check out the permissions.

If you have use_direct_commands set to false in the configuration, commands will have /ge added to them! (so /buy will be /ge buy)


Where you read <args> below, it can be in the following form:

  • IN ANY ORDER, provide the following arguments:
    • i:<item>, for example i:50, i:lapislazuli or i:diamondsword:fireprotection5
    • a:<amount>, for example a:10 or a:infinite
    • p:<price>, for example p:5 or p:3.70
    • n:<num>, for an offer number, for example n:1073 for offer #1073
    • o:<ownername>, for the name of the owner of an offer, for example o:cheeseguy55 or o:Infima
    • buy, for buy offers
    • sell, for sell offers
  • FOR EXAMPLE: /buy i:lapislazuli a:10 p:17.5
  • You can leave out i and use this for the item in your hand, for example /sell this p:100
  • (The default amount is 1)
  • To buy 10 items from the sell offer with number #51, type: /buy #51 10
  • You can put the amount first too, this is the EASIEST way of writing: /buy 5 cobblestone 3.5
  • To search for all offers of emeralds, do /offers emerald for example
  • /buy, /sell and /offers all accept these arguments! :)

Main commands

  • /buy <args> - Create a buy offer
  • /sell <args> - Create a sell offer
  • /collect - Collect the items/money in your Collection Box
  • /empty <name> - Empty someone's collection box
  • /add <num> <amount> - Add items to an offer
  • /take <num> <amount> - Take items from an offer
  • /price <num> <newprice> - Change an offer's price
  • /remove <num> - Remove an offer
  • /ad <num> - Advertise an offer
  • /offers <args> - See the available offers
  • /myoffers <args> - See your own offers
  • /history - See your trading history
  • /history <name> - See someone's trading history
  • /prev, /next, /first, /last, /page <num> - Navigate
  • /shopname <name> - Change the display name of your shops
  • /shopthanks <name> - Change the thanks message of your shops

Infinite offers

Infinite offers must be enabled in the configuration. This is true by default.

  • /buy infinite <args> - Create an infinite buy offer
  • /buy infinite <args> - Create an infinite sell offer
  • The /abort and /link commands work as normally on infinite offers


Linking offers must be enabled in the configuration. This is true by default.

  • Shift-right-click a slab, then use /link <num> to link an offer to the slab
  • Shift-right-click a slab, then use /unlink this to unlink the offer from the slab
  • Use /unlink <num> to unlink an offer completely
  • Shift-right-click a slab, then use /add <amount> to add items to the offer
  • Shift-right-click a slab, then use /take <amount> to take items from the offer
  • Shift-right-click a slab, then use /price <newprice> to change the offer price

Reloading the configuration

To update the configuration from the files on disk, use /ge reload.


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