Set-up < Config


Chat Commands

/glowool count - Tells you the total number of blocks currently being lit.

/glowool reset - Resets all lit blocks, they will need to be toggled to be re-lit. This is for use in an emergency if for some reason your server lags if someone tries to light a million blocks for example.

/glowool relight - Re-lights all blocks that should be lit.

/glowool show - Shows you which blocks are being lit by changing them to planks for 5 seconds.

Permissions Nodes

glowool.* - Gives all permissions.

glowool.admin.count - Allows the use of the count command.

glowool.admin.reset - Allows the use of the reset command.

glowool.admin.relight - Allows the use of the relight command. - Allows the use of the show command.

If no permissions plugin is found glowool.admin.* will default to true for ops and false for everyone else.

Config Options

relight-freq - How often the blocks are checked to make sure they are lit, this is a number in seconds and defaults to 2.

block-ids - A list of the blocks ids to be lit if powered, the default is just 35 which is wool.

worlds - A list of world names in which the glowing should happen.

Example Config File

- 35
relight-freq: 2
- public

This would set only wool blocks to glow in the world with the name public.


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