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GB.Utils is not a single plugin, but a collection of smaller plugins that don't really qualify for an entire project page, but hopefully can improve the overall user-experience on your server.

If you have ideas for small(ish) plugins, drop me a PM or a comment, and who knows what will happen.

GB.Utils available

GB.TimePlayed (Link)
Tracks how long your players have been playing on your server, and announce it when they join and leave.
GB.VisualWallet (Link)
Displays the content of your wallet on your HUD (Bonus features if using GB.Rewarder)

The GB. plugin family

If you found this plugin useful, you might want to check out the other plugins in the GB. family.

GB.Rewarder, "Never work for free again" (Link)
Reward your players for working on your server.
GB.Storagizer, "This goes here, that goes there" (Link)
Making organizing your storage area easy and fun.
GB.Shopper, "The one-stop Minecraft shop" (Link)
Sets up a server-global shop for your players to use.


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