
Using Gateways Commands

First of all, the complete command list can be seen in game by typing '/gateways commands'. This list will display the command in green or red depending on if you have permissions to use it. Additional information on a command can be obtained by typing in the command with a single question mark as the only argument... for example, '/gateways commands ?'.
Gateways uses a sub-command system for many of the different commands. This means that once you use a command, sometimes you will be able to manipulate the output of that command even further. Most often these are used to display multiple pages of information. When a command has more then one page, a page number (i.e. [1/5]) will be displayed in the title of the output. You can use the subcommands 'next', 'prev', or 'page <number>' to view different pages. Sub-commands like these are entered into the chat bar without a backslash, just the command by itself.
Some commands like '/route' and all of the search commands do special things with these sub-commands. Route allows you to use 'next', prev', and 'open' to look at the different possible routes and finally open the one you selected. All of the search commands will first display all possible results, and then you can use special filtering sub-commands to narrow down your selection. For example, '/gate search' will list all gates, and typing 'world Nether' afterwards will narrow that list down to only gates in the Nether world.
Whenever you have sub-commands available after using a command, you can get rid of them by typing cancel.
Finally, sometimes gateways will prompt you for additional information to complete a command. For example, you might need to confirm a gate deletion, or enter a password. In this case, simply type your answer into the chat bar! Most prompts are fairly forgiving, for example confirmation could be y, yes, t, true, or confirm, all case-insensitive.

Command List

/open <gate> ...<gate>Tries to create a route from nearby gate to last gate given using all given gates in-between.gateways.gate.use
/route <gate>Calculates all possible routes from nearby gate to given gate. Use subcommands to select different routes and open a route.gateways.gate.use
/gate create <name>Creates a new gate with the given name.gateways.gate.edit
/gate delete <gate>Deletes the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate move <gate>Relocates the given gate to your current destination.gateways.gate.edit
/gate tp <gate>Instantly teleports you to the given gate.gateways.admin
/gate member add <gate> <player> <type>Adds given player to the specified member list of the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate member remove <player>Removes given player from the member list of the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate group add <gate> <group> <type>Adds given group to the specified member list of the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate group remove <gate> <group>Removes given group from the member list of the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate flag <gate> <flag> <value>Edits a flag for the given gate.gateways.gate.edit
/gate info <gate>Displays general info on the given gate, if it exists.gateways.gate.use
/gate map <gate> <range>Searches for all gates reachable with a given number of hops from nearby gate.gateways.gate.use
/gate search <parameter> ...<parameter>Searches for all gates that match all the given parameters (player:<?>:<type>, group:<?>:<type>, name:<?>, net:<network>, local:<gate>, world:<world>)gateways.gate.use
/gate net add <gate> <network>Links nearby gate to the given network.gateways.gate.edit
/gate net remove <gate> <network>Unlinks nearby gate from the given network.gateways.gate.edit
/gate path add <gate> <gate>Creates a new path between the given gates.gateways.gate.edit
/gate path remove <gate> <gate>Deletes the given path.gateways.gate.edit
/net create <name>Creates a new network with the given
/net delete <network>Deletes the given
/net member add <network> <player> <type>Adds given player to the specified member list of the given
/net member remove <network> <player>Removes given player from the member list of the given
/net group add <network> <group> <type>Adds given group to the specified member list of the given
/net group remove <network> <group>Removes given group from the member list of the given
/net flag <network> <flag> <value>Edits a flag for the given
/net info <network>Displays general info on the given network, if it
/net search <parameter> ...<parameter>Searches for all networks that match all the given parameters (player:<?>:<type>, group:<?>:<type>, name:<?>, gate:<gate>)
/path flag <gate> <gate> <flag> <value>Edits a flag for the given path.gateways.path.edit
/path info <gate> <gate>Displays general info on the given path, if it exists.gateways.path.use
/gateways group create <name>Creates a new group with the given
/gateways group delete <group>Deletes the given
/gateways group member add <group> <player>Adds given member to given
/gateways group member remove <group> <player>Removes given member from given
/gateways group info <group>Displays a list of all members in given
/gateways group search <parameter> ...<parameter>Searches for all networks that match all the given parameters (player:<?>, owner:<?>, name:<?>)
/gateways schem copyAttempts to copy current selection as a gate schematic.gateways.admin
/gateways schem pastePastes the current schematic into the world at your current position.gateways.admin
/gateways schem save <name>Saves the current schematic file to the 'plugins/Gateways/schematics' directory.gateways.admin
/gateways schem load <name>Loads a schematic file. Use '/gateways schem paste' to paste it.gateways.admin
/gateways reload economyAttempts to re-hook into an economy plugin.gateways.admin
/gateways reload configAttempts to reload the Gateways configuration file.gateways.admin
/gateways reload gatesAttempts to reload the entire Gateways gate network from file. Warning: will erase any recent changes.gateways.admin
/gateways tutorial configDisplays a tutorial explaining Gateway's configuration options.N/A
/gateways tutorial userDisplays a tutorial on how to use Gateways to travel between gates.N/A
/gateways tutorial builderDisplays a tutorial on how to create gates and interconnections.N/A
/gateways commandsLists all the commands available in Gateways.N/A
/gatewaysDisplays the basic plugin information screen.N/A


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