Group Based Permissions

GBP: Group Based Permissions

"Because what Bukkit really needs is another permissions plugin"

Permissions plugin for bukkit focussed around defining group membership as the core activity.

The basic idea is that to add a user foo to group bar, instead of going to users.yml and adding

  - groups:
    - bar'd simply go to the bar.txt file and add "foo" to the end of it, just like you'd do with ops.txt or white-list.txt etc.


Why might this be useful? Because it's a lot easier to integrate with external scripts if they have to simply output a list of names rather than generate a YAML structure. This important if you want to automatically assign group memberships based on your forum permissions, for example.


  • Flatfile group membership lists that work like the built-in ops.txt file
  • Assign permissions and negative permissions to groups
  • A group can inherit permissions from other groups (which can have their own parent etc.) - these will be overridden by the explicitly set permissions
  • Meta-groups called all and ops which represent everyone and ops, funnily enough
  • Can define "default" groups which people will be added to if and only if they have no explicit group memberships
  • Group priorities to determine what permissions take priority if someone is a member of many groups
  • Still features a conventional users.yml file where you can override group memberships (both add and negate) and permission nodes

What the plugin doesn't do

This plugin is in early stages of development. There are several standard features it doesn't yet support - implementing these will result in the project moving to "release" status

  • In game commands - the only way to alter the configuration is to edit the files directly. The group membership testfiles are read every time a player joins, but you will have to do /gbp reload if you make changes to the .yml files
  • Vault API integration
  • Time-limited permissions

Future Features

Ultimately the aim of this plugin is to read, and hopefully write, from arbitrary mySQL databases. This would mean it could, for example, query your forum directly to determine group membership. Optionally you would be able to write memberships as well, and in the far future perhaps store most config items in a database as well, for distributed setups.


The groups.yml and users.yml files should be fairly self-explanatory. If not, you should let me know what's confusing and I'll add more documentation

Stats collection

To determine popularity and usage of the plugin, installs are automatically tracked by the Metrics plugin tracking system in 1.0.2 and higher. If you don't want this tracking, set opt-out to true in plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml to disable it.

Currently only the default stats are sent, which include:

  • Player count
  • OS Type
  • Java version
  • Server version
  • Plugin version


The github repository is at and the issue tracker is also there (though the links from this project should go direct to the issue tracker). While I'll try to answer comments on this page, if you find any bugs the tracker is a much more reliable solution

Development Builds

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.


I idle in #bukkit and in my personal channel #frymaster on Espernet. I am in the UK and are unlikely to respond immediately to queries except in the evening, UK time, but I log all messages and I will get back to you eventually.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Apr 14, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Jun 2, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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