
Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.

The core concept behind this mod is that automatic systems for granting protection zones to players such as factions or an economy are ponderous and unwieldly, and impede the growth of a server's community. FreeHold averts the issue by putting all the decisions in the hands of the admins, who assuredly know best.

Of course, the admins need not approve of each and every action made by the players; it's a player-managed system after all. Instead each player can claim a set amount of land, how much and what kinds of protection they can get are controlled by universal settings chosen by the admins beforehand, who can bestow more land/freedoms (or take some away) on a case-by-case basis as they see fit. The admins can also create extra zones and give them to players, who can then manipulate them any way they want -including claiming more land to the extent the admin lets them.

To top it all off, those who want automated systems can always write a seperate plugin that utilizes this one: for instance, one could set the default land to zero but then set up a system that grants additional land players who send a lot of time on the server, or perhaps another plugin's factions could each have their own zone, the size of which is determined by the size of the faction, or what have you.

At least, that's what the end product will be like. Right now, it's just an ugly scrap heap of code piled together by an EE major who's never worked on a major or minor programming project before, let alone in Java. Give me a while though, and in the meantime all help and/or advice is welcome.


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  • Created
    Feb 27, 2012
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