
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


EssentialsPayLogger is an add-on for Essentials and won't work without it.



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flattr Flattr if you wish to donate, paypal and underaged humans don't go well together.


  • Logs payments you send/receive with the command /pay and it's aliases to the essentials UserData (The amount of payments that are saved at once is configurable)
  • Adds a command that allows you to see your own logs, you can get 9 values at a time.
  • Allows you to see other people's transaction logs, given you have the right permissions to do so. (Very useful for administrative purposes)


Parameters inbetween [] brackets are optional and parameters inbetween <> brackets are required

  • /pay <username> <amount>
    • Aliases: /lpay and /logpay
    • Example: /pay kukelekuuk00 50 (Pays kukelekuuk00 50 of your currency)
  • /transactions [page|username] [page]
    • Aliases: /trans, /ltrans, /logtrans, /ltransactions and /logtransactions
    • Example I: /transactions (Shows the first page of your transaction log)
    • Example II: /transactions 3 (Shows the third page of your transaction log)
    • Example III: /transactions foobar (Shows the first page of foobar's transaction log)
    • Example IV: /transactions foobar 2 (Shows the second page of foobar's transaction log)

Note: Always try and type the full username to prevent paying the wrong person/spamming yourself

Note II: /pay overrides Essentials /pay, but the /epay alias from Essentials does not work with my plugin.


  • Gives access to the /pay command. (Remove the permission "" from your users if you want this to work properly.)
  • essentialspaylogger.transactions Gives access to the /transactions [page] command.
  • essentialspaylogger.transactions.others Gives access to the /transactions <username> [page] command.


# this is the limit of transactions that should be logged,
# note that /transactions reads 9 values at a time,
# so it's recommended to make it a value divisible by 9
limit: 45

# Any consecutive payments by the same person to the same person
# within this time are stacked.
# Time is in seconds (Set to 0 if you don't want stacking)
stackTime: 300

# Shows at what day each payment is done using the format [MM/dd] (So the 18th of februari would be [02/18])
# Using this may make the plugin slightly slower,
# not recommended on really big servers or with really high transaction limits.
timeStamp: true


Version 1.1

  • Redid a lot of things, made things better, simpler and less buggy.
  • removed the inEssUserData in the config, the data is automatically saved in the Essentials UserData.
  • Consecutive payments by the same person to the same person within a configurable limit in seconds will be stacked.


  • All your previous transactions are no longer usable due to a change in the format.

REQUIRES Essentials #Dev2.10.61 or higher

Development builds of Essentials can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. 
These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.

Essentials Dev Builds

Version 1.0

  • Initial release


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