

Default Config

shout-format: '<shoutprefix>&f<prefix><name><suffix>: <message>'
timer-start-message: '<shoutprefix>&6You may not send another shout for &a<timeLeft> &6seconds.'
timer-start-message-enabled: true
time-remaining-message: '<shoutprefix>&6You still have &a<timeLeft>&6 seconds remaining until you can send another shout!'
time-remaining-message-enabled: true
timer-end-message: '<shoutprefix>&6You may now send another shout message.'
timer-end-message-enabled: true
shout-when-muted-message: '<shoutprefix>&cYou are muted!'
shout-when-muted-message-enabled: true
message-prefix: '&c[Shout] &f'
use-prefix: true
console-name: '&5[Console]&f '
use-console-name: true
cooldown-enabled: true
cooldown-seconds: 60
listen-on-mute-command: true
mute-command-accounts-bypassperms: true


shout-format: How the shout message is displayed when broadcasted

timer-start-message: The message that appears after someone has sent a shout and the cooldown is enabled

time-remaining-message: The message that a player is sent when they are still cooling down

timer-end-message: The message that a player receives when his cooldown has finished

shout-when-muted-message: The message a player receives when he tries to to shout while muted

message-prefix: the part that goes before all messages. May look better. Implemented into other messages via <shoutprefix>

use-prefix: if the prefix is used or not

console-name: what name the console is displayed as when the console sends a shout

cooldown-enabled: whether there should be a cooldown or not

cooldown-seconds: How long the cooldown lasts

listen-on-mute-command: If a plugin uses /mute, should the shout plugin also mute that player from shouting as well? Also listens on the /unmute command. If /mute is a toggle, that works too.

mute-command-accounts-bypassperms: Should the plugin look for if the player has the permission to bypass the mute if he has the 'shout.mute.bypass' permission node


Well I really don't know what else to call them <shoutprefix> - the shout prefix, defined in the message-prefix area of the config. If use-prefix is false, this won't do anything <name> - the shouter's actual name <displayName> - the display name of the shouter, specified in other plugins, such as the /nick command in essentials <prefix> - the player's prefix <suffix> - the player's suffix <timeLeft> - how much time is remaining <faction> - the faction the player is in. Only works if factions plugin is installed <message> - the shout message itself


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