Easy Firework

Easy Fireworks uses the firework added in 1.4.6 and the user has the ability to edit every option that there is for fireworks. This plugin may contain some minor bugs! I wanted to get this plugin out there before new years eve and din't get to test it as much as I wanted, but atm I don't know of any bugs :)

How to use

To use it the player will need to be op or have the only permission Firework.Admin. Firework uses predefined sets in the config file. Here is the default config:

# You will have to make sets before you can fire up your firework.
# The "DefaultSet" is the default set.
# You can copy paste it and just change the settings. When you are
# going to use one of the sets you can either do /fw start DefaulSet, 
# or on a sign do [Firework] on the first line and DefaultSet on the 
# second. Options with [] uses a list. This means that you can put
# more than one in it.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Colors: Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime, Maroon,
# Magenta, Navy, Olive, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal,
# White, Yellow or you can do 5-37-14(R-G-B)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------#
# Shapes: Ball, Ball_Large, Burst, Creeper, Stare
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------#
# The TimerTicks is when the rocket should have launched and
# uses minecraft's tick system.
# Remember this is when the rocket should have launched, this
# means that if you have
# rocket no.1 to 5 ticks and rocket no.2 to 7 ticks rocket no.2 will
# launch 2 ticks after
# rocket no.1
# -----------------#
# 0.5s = 10 ticks
# 1s = 20 ticks
# 5s = 100 ticks
# 10s = 200 ticks 
# -----------------#
    Color: [Green]
    ColorFade: [Green] 
    Shape: Creeper
    Power: 2
    Trail: true
    Flicker: false
    TimerTicks: 0
    Color: [Green, Yellow]
    ColorFade: [Green, Yellow, Red]
    Shape: Star
    Power: 3
    Trail: true
    Flicker: false
    TimerTicks: 20
    Color: [Colors: Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime, Maroon, Magenta, Navy, Olive, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal, White, Yellow]
    ColorFade: [Colors: Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime, Maroon, Magenta, Navy, Olive, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal, White, Yellow]
    Shape: Burst
    Power: 3
    Trail: true
    Flicker: true
    TimerTicks: 60

You can have as many sets as you want with as many rockets that will please you. The rockets name has nothing to say so the first rocket can be named "BukkitRocket" and the second "TheBestRocketYouHaveEverSeen" or just "R1" :)

When you come ingame you have the basic command of /firework or /fw. If you are an admin you can do /fw start <SetName>.

Example: /fw start DefaultSet

Then it will start to fire rockets of the block you are looking at. Remember if you look of the distance you will not see the rockets since the client only renders entities about 50 blocks or so.

You can also use signs to launch the rockets. Just make a sign with "[Firework]" on the first line and the SetName on the second. The power the sign with redstone and it will start launching rockets :)

Be aware if you launch to many rockets at the same time the client will render them a little oddly. Say if you launch 70 rockets at the same tick with LargeBall the player might not see 70 rockets but just a few of them.


For v1.0:

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 31, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Apr 24, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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