
# Dynmap-SimpleClans configuration

  update-seconds: 60                # How often the toggles are updated
    enable: true
    update-seconds: 300             # How often the markers are updated
    label: "Clan Homes"             # The label for the layer
    format: "{clan} &8(home)"       # Variables: {clan}, {tag}, Colors: &1, New line is pipe symbol: |
    layer-priority: 1               # Ordering priority in layer menu (higher shows on top)
    hide-by-default: false          # Make home layer hidden by default
    min-zoom: 0                     # Set minimum zoom level when markers should be visible (0=default, any zoom)
    hidden-markers: []              # Any clan tags added to this list will be hidden from view, include "world:<worldname>" in the list to hide all clan homes in an entire world
    enable: true
    update-seconds: 60              # How often the markers are updated
    label: "Deaths"                 # The label for the layer
    format: "{vtag}&f{victim}|&7(killed by: {atag}&7{attacker}&7)"      # Variables: {victim}, {attacker}, {vtag}, {atag}, Colors: &1, New line is pipe symbol: |
    layer-priority: 20              # Ordering priority in layer menu (higher shows on top)
    hide-by-default: false          # Make home layer hidden by default
    min-zoom: 0                     # Set minimum zoom level when markers should be visible (0=default, any zoom)
    visible-seconds: 300            # How long the marker will stay visible for
      clan-players: true            # Show deaths of clan players
      civilians: true               # Show deaths of civilians


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