Boss Abilities

Universal Ability Variables

Universal Ability Variables

These variables will do the same thing for all Abilities.

StartDelay: The Delay, in seconds from when the Boss is pulled, that the ability will cast for the first time.

Radius: The Radius in which this ability will apply or find players to cast on.

Interval: The time, in seconds, between casts of this Ability.

Emote: What the Boss will say when it casts this Ability.



Desc: Every interval, the Boss will turn a random Player within a set Radius into a Living Bomb! This will ignite the Player for 3 seconds, then after the 3 seconds, the player will explode, doing a set Damage to players within a 5 block radius of them.

Duration: This variable is unused atm, set to 0.
Damage: The Damage the bomb will do when it explodes.


Desc: Every interval, the Boss will pulsate a ring of fire from him that will cause a set amount of Damage to every Player within its Radius.

Duration: This variable is unused atm, set to 0.
Damage: The Damage the aura will do when it pulses.


Desc: Every interval, the Boss will Randomly pick a target within set Radius, and light them on fire for set Duration time.

Duration: The amount of time, in seconds, a Player will be ignited for.
Damage: This variable is unused atm, set to 0.


Desc: Every interval, the Boss will push away all Players within the set Radius from it with mighty force.

Duration: This variable is unused atm, set to 0.
Damage: This variable is unused atm, set to 0.


Desc: Every interval, the Boss will pull in all Players within the set Radius to it's location.

Duration: This variable is unused atm, set to 0.
Damage: This variable is unused atm, set to 0.


Desc: Every interval, the Boss will Root and Snare all Players within set Radius of it to the ground for set Duration of time.

Duration: Amount of time, in seconds, a Player will be rooted to the ground.
Damage: This variable is unused atm, set to 0.


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