
This page will show you how to configure this plugin for your server

Enable: <true|false>

This option will allow you to disable the plugin and enable it, it is also possible to change this in-game using /dx toggle.

EnablePermMultiplier: true

This will disabled the option below and allow you to use per permission xp rates, for example DoubleXP.multiplier.1.5 gives 150% exp (MAX OF 10)

Multiplier: <integer/float>

This set the multiplier at which exp gain, for example 3.5 would be 350% exp.


This is a list of the days that are enabled, also shown is the different ways you can write the date, the plugin will detect them all.

- sat

- Sunday

- monday

CheckRadius: <integer>

The radius that the plugin will check if the "CheckForSpawner" option is enabled, could be used to prevent mass farming.

CheckForSpawner:<true|false> Disables or enables the check for spawners, if you're having any performance issue try disabling this and seeing if that helps.


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