
Version 1.4:
- Added /topdonors
- New config value (topdonors: )
- Some config.yml changes

Version 1.3:
- Added permission nodes
- Just some little improvements

Version 1.2:
- You can now use colour codes (&) in your messages
- You can now use colour codes (&) in your prefix
- When you type /donate set &1This is a test it wouldn't say: message set to: &1This is a test, it would say: message set to This is a test

- Renamed the command: '/donate version' to '/donate info'

Version 1.1:
- Added /donate help - Shows a help menu
- Added /donate reload - You can now reload the config without reloading the whole server!
- Added /donate version - Displays the plugin version
- If an OP types /donate help, they get all commands, If a normal player types it, they only get the default ones (version, help & donate)

Version 1.0:
- Added /donate - Shows the donation message
- Added /donate set - For OP only, set the donation message
- Added /donate setprefix - For OP only, set the donation message prefix
- First Release


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