Death Kits

Death Kits

Quick Summary

Death Kits is a configurable, permissions driven system to give your users a configurable kit(s) upon their death. Death Kits supports an unlimited number of configurable kits each with it's own dynamic permissions node. Death Kits also has a configurable Per-User kit cooldown system that allows you to set a cooldown on Death Kits.


  • Gives server operators the ability to create custom Death Kits for their players!
  • Death Kits can have any number of items in them
  • There can be an unlimited number of Death Kits
  • Server operators can enable a configurable Per-User cooldown on Death Kits


  • /deathkits- Displays plugin version information
  • /deathkits reload - Reloads the configuration file


  • deathkits.KITNAME - Configurable permission node that gives the player access to the specified deathkit!
  • deathkits.admin - Allows player to use the /pti reload command


  1. Download latest .jar file
  2. Shut down your server
  3. Place the .jar into your servers "/plugins" folder
  4. Start your server back up
  5. The config file should have generated, edit away!
  6. Reload the config file with /deathkits reload
  7. Set up permissions
  8. Have fun!

Configuration Options

Cooldown-Enabled:TrueEnables or disables the Per-User cooldown on Death Kits.
Cooldown:120If Cooldown-Enabled is true, this value tells how long the user must wait before getting a new Death Kit in seconds
Kitnames:Example-Kit,Example-Kit-2A list of all kit names. ALL kits MUST be listed here in order to be recognized by the plugin
Example-Kit:An example kit (this kit would have permission node deathkits.Example-Kit)
- 1 64Example block
- 2 64Example block
Example-Kit-2:A second example kit (this kit would have permission node deathkits.Example-Kit-2
- 264 1example item
- 35:4example block with data value

Kit Format

The format for adding items to the kits is:




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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 26, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Dec 26, 2012
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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