
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Why not message me, or leave your server's IP in the description? I would love to visit some of the server's that have shown support by downloading my plugin. :)


deals with a player's nick.

The command alone returns your own nick. /nick adding a argument will check another player's nick. /nick otherplayer'sname anything more sets that player's nick. it supports colors :) /nick otherplayer's name &bWoot will make their nick Woot in aqua. note you need to add a &f which stands for white to not have the chat colored. the first argument of "off" will change their nick to their name without the colors. /nick otherplayer'sname off will change their name to otherplayer'sname without color.

permissions: dcmds.nick - base perm. dcmds.seenick - allows you to see your nick dcmds.seenick.others - allows you to see other's nicks dcmds.changenick - allows you to change their nick.


Stops the server. permission: dcmds.stop


Quits the server permission: dcmds.quit


RAAAAGGEE!!! permission: dcmds.ragequit


Fun part of the plugin! permission: dcmds.uncmd


Clear's you, or someone else's inventory. permission: dcmds.ci


Self explanatory. permission: dcmds.kick


Kicks the user, and clear's their inventory. permission: dcmds.rkick


Self explanatory. permission: dcmds.heal


Self explanatory. permission: dcmds.feed


Kill's yourself permission: dcmds.suicide


Get's the IP for the user you entered. permission: dcmds.ip

Rempotion(Remove all potion effects)

Removes all potion effects from a user. permission: dcmds.removeeffects


Locks the user in-place permission: dcmds.freeze


Mutes the user permission: dcmds.mute


Bans a player permission: dcmds.ban


Un-bans a player permission: dmcds.pardon


Levels up the user the amount specified, the max level that you can level up and once can be changed in the config. permission: dmcds.levelup

Clear Xp

Clears the user, or someone else's xp. permission: dcmds.clearexp


Changes gamemodes. permission: dmcds.gamemode, add dcmds.gmothers to allow that player to change the gamemode of other players


Gives the player 10 cooked beef and a stack of torches(List's name in a file so it cannot be abused) permission: dmcds.carepackage

Online Staff

Lists the players that have the permission: dcmds.isstaff


  • /stop - Stops the server.
  • /quit - Leaves the server
  • /ragequit - RAAAAGGEE!!!
  • /unknowncommand - Fun part of the plugin!
  • /clearinventory - Clear's you, or someone else's inventory.
  • /kick - Removes a player from the Server.
  • /robkick - Kicks the user, and clear's their inventory.
  • /heal - heals a player to full or a certain amount specified.
  • /feed - fills a player's hungerbar a player to full or a certain amount specified.
  • /suicide - Kills yourself
  • /ip - returns a player's ip.
  • /rempotion - clears potion effects on a player.
  • /freeze - Freezes the user where they are.
  • /mute - Stops the user from talking.
  • /nick - handles nicknames.
  • /ban - Bans a player
  • /pardon - Un-bans a player
  • /carepackage - Gives the player 10 cooked beef and a stack of torches(List's name in a file so it cannot be abused)
  • /levelup - Levels the player up the specified amount(According to the file, change the max to higher to allow higher levels.)
  • /invisible - Set's the player to invisible, type "/rempotion" to remove this affect.
  • /onlinestaff - List's the current players with the permission "dcmds.isstaff"
  • /clearxp - Clears the players exp, or someone else's.
  • /gamemode or /gm - Changes the players, or someones else's gamemode.

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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jul 1, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Jan 7, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License


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