
Custom RTD

This plugin was designed for personal use after I could not find a Roll the dice plugin that satisfied my requirements. The point of this plugin is to flexibly fill the niche of a simple RTD plugin for anyone who could not find one before. This plugin allows users to generate a random number up to a defined max, and display that number to those in a definable radius.


Installation is very simple with this plugin, but the steps are below
1. Download the latest version of CustomRTD.jar
2. Drag the CustomRTD.jar file into the plugins folder of your bukkit server
3. Boot your server up and allow the config file to generate
4. Edit the config file to your liking and reload the plugins.


Updating from previous version shouldn't be too much of a hassle but there may be some issues that are encountered
1. When new config nodes are added, you may need to generate a new config or add them manually.


Below is the list of commands available in the newest version.
Description: Generates a random number from 1 to the Max defined in the config and sends it to everyone in the configurable radius.
/roll (number)
Description: Generates a random number from 1 to the number passed in the command and sends it to everyone in the configurable radius.

Config File Nodes

Below is a list of all the nodes in the config file in the newest version.
Description: Sets the max number that a user can roll when using the /roll command.
Description: Sets the range that another people will see a player's roll. (set to 0 to do a broadcast)
Description: Max number a user can choose with /roll (number) without having the CustomRTD.Unlimited permission node
Description: Time, in seconds, between users being allowed to roll unless they have the CustomRTD.NoCooldown permission node
Description: Message sent to the user when certain commands are used without proper permissions
Description: Message sent to all users within the defined radius, displaying the results of a /roll
Description: Message sent to users who attempt to /roll before defined cooldown has expired
Description: Node that determines whether or not the SelfReference node is used, or just the user's display name
Description: Name used in the message sent to the user who rolled.


Below is a list of the permissions available in the newest version.
Description: Gives user the ability to use the /roll command.
Default: true
Description: Allows the user to do /roll (number) to provide a definable max to what the user could roll.
Default: op
Description: Allows administrators to see all rolls performed on the server if they'd like.
Default: op
Description: Allows user to override RollLimit in config file.
Default: op
Description: Allows user to override cooldown timer.
Default: op
Description: Gives the user all above permissions.


This area is for helping to clarify or assist in the understanding of certain, harder to understand aspects of the plugin that one may encounter

Roll Message

This is the configurable message that is sent to players who in range during a /roll command. When using this there are three special variables that can be used in the message.
%p desplays the name of the player who rolled when placed in the message.
%n displays the number rolled by that player.
%m displays the max possible number the player could've rolled with the command used.

Cooldown Message

This is the configurable message that is sent to a player when they attempt to /roll within the cooldown time limit predefined in the configuration file. When using this there are two special variables that can be used in the message.
%p displays the name of the player who attempted to roll.
%t displays the amount of time, in seconds, before the cooldown expires.


I'm sure that this plugin could surely be improved in many ways. If you can think of any you would like, comment them below for me to see. Maybe it'll be simple and I'll add it in, or a worthwhile addition even if it takes some time.
Bug reporting is also important to the improvement of any plugin. If you post your issues below, then I'll do what I can to help you.

Change Log

- Added SelfReference Config Node
- Added UseSelfReference Config Node
- Fixed Harmless, but irritating error message when performing a /roll (number) above the limit without permission
- Added Cooldown Node in config
- Added CooldownMessage Node in config
- Added CustomRTD.NoCooldown permission node
- Added ability to configure message prefix
- Added ability to configure roll message
- Added RollLimit node to config file
- Added CustomRTD.Unlimited Permission node
- Fixed silly error in Plugin.yml involving permissions with /roll
- First Public Release!
- Added Config file
- MaxRoll Node added
- Radius Node Added
- Added /roll (number)
- Added permission Nodes
- CustomRTD.Roll
- CustomRTD.ChooseMax
- CustomRTD.SeeAllRolls
- Prefixed all plugin messages


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