CustomDifficulty v4.5.0

This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


The Plugin to change difficulty in SMP

Latest Version: 4.5.1 (alpha)

Project is being updated by a new author - updating from CB 1 to spigot 1.8.8!

CustomDifficulty provides a lot of features to change the all around difficulty in Minecraft.
You can change the monster's HP, damage, aggressiveness and more! You are also able to modify the player's damage.
Each difficulty is stored in its own file - which enables you to create as many difficulties as you like! It's possible to set a difficulty for a certain region only (Use the built-in regions, or WorldGuard regions). This enables you - for example - to create hard dungeons with ease.


  • Change monster's hp (200 HP is max - but that should be enough, a player has 20)
  • Change monster's damage - Let them beat you up - or not even scratch you :>
  • Change aggressiveness of monsters and animals. (Aggressive, Passive, Friendly)
  • Change if monsters burn in sunlight.
  • Spawn any mob, anywhere - naturally! Giant, 'monster' and sheep in any color included!
  • Define spawn chance.
  • Define min/max height for mobs to spawn.
  • Define min/max light level for mobs to spawn.
  • Define block types mobs will only/will never spawn on.
  • Define custom drops for each mob in each difficulty.
  • Define a loot-multiplier to let monsters drop more items!
  • Limit mobs per server/world/chunk
  • Change player's damage.
  • Register support!
  • Multi-world support!
  • Permissions support!
  • WorldGuard support!
  • Create regions, each with a custom difficulty!
  • No need to restart/reload the server to apply changes, simply use the /difficulty reload command!
  • All (reasonable) commands can be used from the console!

Wiki | Source | Forum(old)

How to use:

  • Copy CustomDifficulty.jar into the /root/plugins folder.
  • Download WorldEdit (If you want to use regions) and place it into the /root/plugins folder as well.
  • Difficulties are located in the /root/plugins/CustomDifficulty/difficulties folder. Each difficulty is in its own [difficulty].yml file.
  • Simply change the values of the default configs and/or create new config files. The plugin will load all *.yml files inside the difficulties folder automatically on reload.
  • If you remove a configuration node, this plugin won't change anything of the corresponding event, thus preventing conflicts with other plugins.
  • You can create regions with the /difficulty region [regionCommand] commands and set difficulties for each of them independently! (See 'Commands and Permissions' below)

Note that you must not use tabs in *.yml (YAML) files. If you do, it will mess up the format and Bukkit will throw you a million errors (something like *snakeyaml* ) :>

Commands and Permissions:

Permission node to receive rewards: 'CustomDifficulty.reward'
Ops can use all commands and permission nodes are case sensitive!
bold = mandatory
underlined = optional
" | " = "or"

Difficulty-related commands:

  • /difficulty help - Displays the help / lists commands and descriptions.
    Permission node: ''
  • /difficulty - Displays difficulty of the world the player is currently in - or of all worlds if the command user is no player (e.g. console)
    Permission node: 'CustomDifficulty.check'
  • /difficulty check <World | all> - Displays the difficulty of <World>, <all> worlds or the world the player is currently in if <World> is not specified. If the command user is no player, it will list all worlds.
    Permission node: 'CustomDifficulty.check'
  • /difficulty <change | set> <World> <Difficulty> - Change difficulty of <World>, or the world you are currently in if none specified.
    Permission node: 'CustomDifficulty.change'
  • /difficulty reload - Reloads the config files. Use this after changing/adding difficulties or other configurations!
    Permission node: 'CustomDifficulty.reload'
  • /difficulty performance - Counts the used time for each feature for the next 10 seconds. Use this if you think the plugin causes lag, and to find out which part of it.

Region-related commands (These require WorldEdit and WorldGuard):
All commands start with /difficulty region * - Replace "*" with one of the below:

  • help - Displays help about region commands.
    Permission node: ''
  • <set | change> <World> <Difficulty> - Change difficulty of world <World>, or the world you are currently in, if <World> is not specified, to <Difficulty>
    Permission node: 'CustomDifficulty.region.set'
  • info <World> <RegionName> - Displays some information about region <RegionName> on world <World> or the world you are currently in.
    Permission node: 'CustomDifficulty.region.list'

If you are using WorldGuard regions, only the region commands 'info' and 'set | change' are available. To define new regions, you WorldGuard's '/region define' command.


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