Changelog for next version

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Here are all the changes that have been planned or implemented in the next release of CoolStoryBro:


  • Configs with missing values will now be filled in with the defaults
  • Alternate commands (i.e. /broadd, /broon, /bronick, etc.)
  • SuperPerms users can now use ".*" permission nodes the same way Permissions users can
  • Via a config option, you can make the plugin also modify the names that appear in the tab player list
  • Complete nicknaming functionality
    • /bro nick Notch God - sets Notch's nickname to "God"
    • /bro check Notch - tells you what Notch's nickname/broname is


  • Multiple names lists (i.e. you could have a list of names for noobs to be assigned, a list for staff, etc.)