
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Control Production v2.0.0 - Easy production control!

Originally requested by Lummox, this plugin aims to remove the unbalanced nature of active players against those who do not play that often.

(Source Code)

How it Works

ControlProduction works based of configured values. Values are under a group name, which has a corresponding permission node. Players with this permission node will have the limits set in the configuration for that group, and players without a group permission node will have no limit to what they can do. See below for instructions on how to configure.

Players' limit data is stored in a YAML file in /player. You should be able to edit it without causing any errors.


Time Restriction

This value (configured in hours) is the time delay each player limit will be reset back to zero. The default value is 24, which means that players can do an action with a block as many times as configured in a day. After the day is passed, their limits reset.

The timer now records how many hours have passed in data.yml (which you shouldn't edit). This allows for the timer to keep track of how many hours have passed so that it can be resumed after a reload / shutdown. However, if the server reloads before an hour passes, that hour essentially never happened, causing the timer to be inaccurate.


Groups must be under the groups section of the configuration. To configure a limit for an action with a block, you will need to specify the action, the item ID, and the limit. The default configuration should guide you through how to configure.

The actions you can limit are break, place, craft, smelt, drop and pickup. You should not configure the same item under pickup and break, as items have to be picked up after they've been destroyed. When configuring items for smelting, you limit what it is prior to cooking, as it actually limits what you can and can't put in the furnace, but for crafting you limit the result.

Group Stucture

            item/blockid: limit

Commands & Permissions

controlproduction.groups.GROUPNAMESets player in GROUPNAMEop^
controlproduction.resetAllows use of /controlproduction resetop
controlproduction.nogroupNo limitsfalse
controlproduction.infoofAllows use of /controlproduction infooftrue
ResetResets limits for playerscontrolproduction reset [player] [action] [item]
InfoShows your limitscontrolproduction info <action>
InfoOfShows limits of other playerscontrolproduction infoof <player> <action>

^ Because the permission is unregistered. Assign controlproduction.nogroup to give ops no group.

To-do List

  • Permission nodes for actions in /controlproduction info

Have I missed something? PM or submit a ticket for help!


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