
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.



Cmdperday by Diederikmc

Cmdperday 3.0 is released! Assign command-limit-permissions to players or player-groups with permissions to limit every command you want for as many times as you want per day! You don't need to configure anything, just assign command-limit-permissions to players in your permission plugin.


You can limit the use of commands per day with a combination of really simple permissions and the limits in the config.

how the config looks like (the config explains everything):

# config.yml, Cmdperday is made by Diederikmc
# ==============================================
# Use notepad++ for reading and editting .yml files, do not use tabs!
# Players need permission for the command to use it, the plugin will check if the player has permission for it and will limit it if it is configured as limited for x times.
# Everything is done before the command takes effect, so limits can take effect.
# =========================================
# - The CommandData.yml holds the amount of times that players with a permission that limits the use of a command used that command
# - if the datecreatedisn't set it will be set when the mechanism is called when using a command
# - after checking if the "datecreated" is set:
#   1. This file resets every day on the first command usage(wich will be handled too, don't worry)
#   2. The command will be handled
# - Remember that players on your server could play in a different time-zone, they just have to deal with the real time of the server.
# - If there is a problem with the CommandData.yml: just delete the file if there is an error and the plugin will remake the file and that will solve the problem(CommandData will be lost)
# Feedback, problems, ideas or something else?
# ================================================
# Post a comment or PM me!
# =========================================

# check if the player has the permission to use the command before limiting it
# (only functional if the player has no permission to use the command and does have a limit for using it,
#     this can happen when: - the player has no permission to use the command but the group of the player has
#                           - a unfunctional limit in the config
#  Set it to true if you don't want a message that it is limited if it isn't even allowed, which very is rare) 
check_permission_before_limiting_it: false

# continue to limit the command when there is no permission found for the command to check if the player has it 
# (only functional if check_permission_before_limiting_it is set to true)
continue_limiting_if_no_permission_was_found: true

# use permission-assigned groups
# assign groupnames to users like this: group.user
# other plugins use this as well, so you might have them already

# groups
# sort it in the right order, so if donator inherits user, the heal-limit will be 10 and not 2
  # groupname
    # command with assigned limit
    heal: 2
    feed: 3
    heal: 10
    feed: 15
    ban: 10

# groups that bypass the limits of groups which they inherit
  # groupname
    # list of commands which are normally limited for the group, these limits will be ignored
    - ban
    - heal
    - feed

Commands of Cmdperday itself

/reloadCommandDataReloads the CommandData.yml/reloadCommandDatacmdperday.reloadCommandData


You can find all information in the config.yml! (It's more a "readme" file)

Recommended: Use Java 7 to start the server.


  • Command usages are stored in the CommandData.yml
  • It is not recommended to edit it
  • the plugin uses it as a database
  • You can reload it with /reloadCommandData

How to install the plugin

Just drag it in your plugin folder and start your server. (Thousands of tutorials while it's so easy, still people who don't know how :I )

Feedback, problems, ideas or something else?

Post a comment or PM me! :D


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 4, 2013
  • Last Released File
    May 7, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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