
Here are a list of the various commands and examples on how to use them. It is currently a work in progress:


/clear will clear everything from your own inventory and requires permission node clear.self

/clear <player> will clear everything from another players inventory and requires permission node clear.other

/clear <item1> [item2]... will clear the items listed in the command arguments and required permission node clear.self

/clear <player> <item1> [item2]... will clear the items listed in the command arguments from the player as the first argument and required permission node clear.other

/clear -c <player> <item1> [item2]... will clear the items given in the arguments from the player given, however it will place it in a locked chest using LWC about 1 block from the player using the command. The chest will be locked for them only to open, this could be used for theft cases, and they can just unlock it for the victim. This requires your server to have LWC and the person performing the command to have the permission node clear.other

/clear except <item1> [item2]... will clear all the items except the ones listed in the arguments and requires the permission node clear.self

/clear <player> except <item1> [item2]... will clear all the items except the ones listed in the arguments from the player given and requires the permission node clear.other

/clear undo undoes the last clear command you executed, however it won't undo clearing all the players at once (using the * wildcard).

/clear armor clears all of your armor and requires the permission node clear.self

/clear <player> armor will clear the armor slots from the player given in the first argument and requires permission node clear.other.

/clear helmet will clear the helmet slot of your armor and requires the permission node clear.self.

/clear chestplate will clear the chestplate slot of your armor and requires the permission node clear.self.

/clear pants will clear the pants slot of your armor and requires the permission node clear.self.

/clear boots will clear the boots slot of your armor and requires the permission node clear.self.

/clear * will clear everyone logged into the server currently, use this sparingly, it requires the permission node clear.admin, which should be given sparingly

/clear * <item1> [item2]... this will clear the items listed in the arguments from all the player logged into the server and it requires permission node clear.admin, which should be given sparingly

/clear * except <item1> [item2]... this will clear all the items except the ones listed in the arguments from all the players logged into the server and it requires permission node clear.admin, which should be given sparingly

/clear * armor will clear the armor slots from all the players currently on the server and it requires permission node clear.admin which should be given sparingly

/clear reload will reload the item list, and this requires the permission node clear.admin

/clear version will tell you the version of ClearInv you are running as well as what version of the item list you have.


/preview <player> will give you a preview of a players inventory, this is static and will not update, however will expire in about 5 minutes (give or take depending on server lag). This requires the permission node clear.other

/preview -c <player> will give you a preview of a players inventory which will continuously update. This is useful for when you are watching a new player on your server and think they may grief, or for watching a player go through someones chest. This requires permission node clear.other

/revert or /unpreview or /preview will revert your inventory back to its original state before you began previewing someones inventory.


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